Chapter 5

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"Kitten! It's time to get up!" Paul says walking into my room

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"Kitten! It's time to get up!" Paul says walking into my room. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow.

"No!" I say into my pillow. "What is it with you wolves waking me up when I am sleeping?" I say looking over at Paul as he climbed on my bed.

"I don't know but it is almost noon and Emily is making muffins." He says cuddling with me. I rolled over and put my face into his chest.

"So warm!" I say throwing one of my legs over his pressing my body closer to his. Paul laughs as Jared walks in.

"Come on you two!" Jared says, trying not to laugh as Paul and I are falling back to sleep. I open one eye to look at Jared and smile.

"But he's so warm!" I say closing my eyes again.

"And she smells so good. It's Calming." Paul says half a sleep. Jared just laughs at us.

"Ok but you will miss out on the muffins." Jared says as me and Paul sit up and glare at Jared.

"So not cool!" Paul says getting out of my bed as Jared laughs.

"I'll be ready in 5." I say walking over to my closet as the guys walk out of my room. Zooming around my room to get ready. It's one of the things I like about being half vampire. "All right, I am ready to go!" I say walking out of my room and to the kitchen.

"We will meet you at Sam and Emily's." Jared says, kissing my head.

"Ok!" I say kissing Jared's cheek and then Paul's. "See you there." I say walking out of the house. Walking down the road to Emily's I can't help but feel like I am being watched. I stop and look around but don't see anything. Continuing to walk to Emily's.

Once I arrive I feel at ease. Helping Emily with the muffins. Laughing and joking around.

"Ok really! What's going on with you and Paul?" Emily asks, looking at me with curiosity.

"Nothing really! Yeah! We flirt and cuddle. But that's as far as it goes." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"You mean you two have never kissed?" She asks with confusion.

"Cheek yes. Never on the lips." I say with an eyebrow raised. As she does the same. "What?" I ask, looking at her confused.

"Well I'm shocked! Paul has always been a ladies man. Any girl he wants he gets! Emily says, still looking at me shocked.

"Maybe he doesn't want me like that?" I say grabbing muffins out of the oven. "And beside one day he will imprint and I feel like there is someone out there for me!" I say giving Emily a small smile.

"Yeah you're right!" She says as we hear a truck pull up. Looking at each other confused until the boys call out to us. Jared walks in first, grabbing a muffin before sitting down.

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