Chapter 16🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

After the fourth round throughout the house Katerina fell asleep as I carried her back to our room

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After the fourth round throughout the house Katerina fell asleep as I carried her back to our room. I laugh as I lay us down and Katerina moans as she cuddles into my chest. "I love you Katerina! More than anything else in this world." I say kissing her head as she sleeps. I close my eyes and pretend to sleep for a few hours just to hold my mate in my arms. After a few hours I got up and let Katerina sleep for a few more hours. I went hunting since I didn't go the night before.

Once I arrive back home I make Katerina breakfast as I hear her in the shower. I place everything at the table for her to eat as well as some blood. I smile as she walks up behind me and wraps her arms around me. "Morning Babe!" I say turning to face her.

"Morning handsome!" She says kissing me lightly. I groan as she pulls away from me.

"Come back here!" I say pulling her back into my arms and kissing her again. "Mmm... You eat while I take a shower and then we will do whatever you want to do today!" I say kissing her neck. I move to go upstairs and she pulls me back to her and kisses me again. I laugh as she whimpers and pouts at me as I pull away from her again. I ran upstairs to take a quick shower.

Once I am done with my shower and I am dressed and ready for the day, I walk downstairs to get my beautiful mate and spend the day with her. As soon as I reach the kitchen and see Katerina washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. My Phone starts to ring. I sigh as I see it is Edward who is calling me.

"What do you want Edward?" I ask with an annoyed tone as I watch Katerina.

"Bella would like to talk to you..." He says with a sigh. I could tell that Bella wanting to talk to me annoyed him.

"Look Edward I don't care what she wants. This is the first day in two weeks I get to be with Katerina for a whole day. I am not giving up a single second with my mate so your blood singer can feel like she is important to me. Cause she is not and she never will be. I do not like her and I hate being around her." I say with a snarl at the end.

"And after she lied to Katerina about me... You both should thank Esme... Because if it wasn't for her I would not be helping you." I say, hang up the phone, before he can say anything else. I turn to my beautiful mate and pull her into my arms.

"What do you want to do today my love?" I ask kissing all over her face and neck.

"Can we just stay here and..." She says as she unbuckles my belt. I watch as she bites her lip. I growl at her, and step back before she can say anything I throw her over my shoulder and vamp us upstairs. I kiss her as I start to remove her clothes as she works on mine.

"So fucking beautiful!" I say once she is free of all of her clothes. I lick my lips as I look over her body. I slowly move my hands from her face down over her breast to her stomach and around to her ass. Picking her up and crawling up the bed. "I was hoping we could stay home and in bed all day!" I say kissing her as I slide into her. Starting out slow and slowly getting faster as time goes on.

"Alexander!" she moans out as I move fast inside of her. I can feel her getting close to her orgasm. I smirk as I pull out of her and she pouts at me. Before she can say anything, I flip her over so she is on her stomach. I slap her ass before pulling her up and all fours. I thrust back into her hard and fast. I put one hand in her hair and the other one I have on her hip. I pull her hair making her come back to my chest. I move my hand from her hair to her nipple.

"Always so tight and wet for me." I say as I continue to fuck her. I listen to her moan my name as if she is worshiping the gods. I smirk as I feel her climax approaching again and again. I feel my climax getting closer as she is close to another orgasm. "That's it baby! I want to hear you scream my name!" I say pushing her back down on her hands and moving both hands to her hips as I slam into her. I watch as she cums screaming my name.

"Fuck!" I say as I cum inside of her. I lean over and put my head on her back. "I did not want to cum just yet!.." I say as I pull out of her and move to lay down on the bed, pulling her to my chest. "Babe?" I say as I look down at her as she runs her hand up my abs to my chest before looking at me.

"You know what Bella said the other week isn't true right?" I ask, kissing her head. She nods her head but looks at me confused. "I only bring it up because I think Bella and Edward are trying to keep us apart. And... I think Bella may have feelings for me. Even though she is with Edward." I say and I hear Katerina growl. I laugh and kiss her. "Baby calm down... I want nothing to do with her. You are my mate... You are my everything... You are all I will ever want or need." I say rolling us over so I am on top of her again.

"I love you Alexander!" She says cupping my face with her hand and giving me a sweet kiss, and I swear my undead heart would beat if it could every time she says that.

"I love you Katerina... My beautiful mate." I say kissing her and sliding back into her. This time taking my time with her. Nice and slow.

After we have made love for the second time today. We move to put on clothes and head down stairs so Katerina can eat. As we are sitting on the couch watching a move we hear a truck pull up to our house. I sigh knowing that it is most likely Edward and Bella. "Stay here!" I tell Katerina as I move to the front door to see what she wants. I watch her walk up the stairs with a smile on her face as she sees me alone.

"Alexander!" She says, moving to hug me. I step back from her with a glare as she stops in her tracks.

"What do you want Bella?" I ask, looking at her with disgust.

"Why don't you want to talk to me? I mean what have I ever done to you to make you hate me?" She whines out at me and stomps her foot.

"You're joking right?" I ask, looking at her with anger, she sighs and tries to touch me again. I move again and growl at her. "Bella, I don't know what you are trying to do... But whatever it is you need to stop. I love Katerina... It will always be Katerina for me. You are nothing to me." I say moving to go inside the house when she grabs me and tries to kiss me. "What are you doing?" I say pushing her away as Katerina comes outside and stands next to me as she glares at Bella.

"What is so special about her? What does she have that I don't?" Bella yells at us. I look at her and laugh.

"Everything! She is everything to me! She is my mate. As you are nothing but a nasty blood singer!" I growl at her as I pull Katerina closer to me and kiss her head, before I pull her back into the house and close and lock the door. We hear Bella scream before leaving our house.

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