Chapter 8

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been two weeks since the Cullen's came back to Forks

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It has been two weeks since the Cullen's came back to Forks. Alexander and I have gotten closer. Both Paul and Jared have met him and talked to him, Paul still doesn't like that I am mated to a vampire. But knows that Alexander will do anything and everything to protect me. So, he has eased up a little and the leech comments when I am around or when it comes to Alexander at least. Right now, I am over at the Cullens house looking at houses in Forks. So, I can spend a few nights with Alexander. I know people will say we are moving fast but it just feels right.

"OHH! I like this one." Rosalie says, looking at my laptop. "But the down fall it's like two streets away from Bella's house." She says as I nod my head at her. Neither one of us likes Bella.

"Yeah! That will not work!" I say as Alexander and Emmett laugh. Knowing just how much I dislike Bella. "I would rather drink bleach with my blood and see what happens!" I say. Rosalie laughs as Alexander growls at my comments.

"Not funny! My love!" He says with a snarl, as everyone else walks in from school. And to my disliking, so does Bella. She has been trying to win me over to no avail. It seems no matter how many times I tell her I hate her and want to hand her over to the redhead she stills tries to befriend me.

"What are you shopping for?" Alice asks, looking over at the laptop. She frowns when see see that I rejected the house by Bella.

"A house in Forks!" I say smiling up at her. Alice smiles down at me.

"Why don't you move in here with us?!" Jasper says with a sly smile as Alexander pushes him away.

"Well if you must know! I want a place to call mine and Alexander's, and Jared and Paul still want me to live on the reservation with them a few days a week. Besides If I have my own place then certain people won't be allowed in." I say smiling at Alexander.

"We could always build you a house not far from us!" Esme says with a smile on her face.

"We could always build you a house not far from us!" Esme says with a smile on her face

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I smile at what Esme said. Little does everyone know that I have already started to build us a house about 10 miles away, the only people that do know are Rosalie and Emmett and of course Alice. She said that it needs to be 5 Bedrooms. Not sure why but I gave up fighting with her about 20 years ago.

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