Chapter 59

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Back in Forks

I knew it wouldn't be long before Bella found out that Alexander and Katerina were gone

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I knew it wouldn't be long before Bella found out that Alexander and Katerina were gone. So it was only a matter of time before she showed up and tried to get to Edward or Jake. Alexander installed cameras all over the main house. So me and Emmett could keep an eye out for her. That way we would be ready for her when she came.

I wasn't surprised when she showed up crying at the main house. Emmett and I watched as she cried as she knocked on the door and then started to pound on the door. When she went around back and saw that there was nothing inside she started to scream. We knew she was on her way here next. Emmett laughed the whole time as she threw a fit and stormed to her car. I walked outside with Emmett waiting for her to arrive. She pulled up screaming and crying.

"Where is he? Where is Edward? I need him now!" She screamed as I smiled at her.

"Not here! As you can see!" Emmett said with a smile.

"Tell me where he is right now!" She screamed, making me laugh. "This is not funny. I needed Edward. I love him! Don't you get that" She says as she starts to cry.

"Bella, We all know that is a lie. You only care about being one of us. OH! and stealing away other peoples' mates." I say as she looks at me shocked.

"How can you say that Rosalie? I love Edward. He means so much to me. This is all Katerina's fault. If she had just stayed away then none of this would have happened. We all could have been happy." She says as she paces in front of the house.

"Alexander would have found her. She is his mate after all. Nothing would have kept him away from her. Sure as Hell not you!" Emmett says as Bella glares at us. I nod my head in agreement.

"NO... She is not... Stop saying that... Edward is mine, Alexander is mine and Jake is mine. I am their mate and imprint. Not her and not that little brat of her's. ME! Do you understand ME!" She screams as she points at us. Now she is pissing me off.

"NO! You are not. Katerina is the best thing that has happened to my brother since he turned and Charlotte is the best thing to happen to Jake. You are nothing to us and our family! You are nothing to Jake and the pack." I yell as Jake comes walking up.

"Bella... What don't you get? Alexander loves Katerina. I love Charlotte. They were made for us. They are our everythings. Nothing you say or do will ever change that." Jake says as Bella looks shocked and angry.

"How can you say that to me Jake? You used to love me. You used to want to be with me. Everything changed once you saw that little brat." Bella says as Jake just shakes his head at her.

"Yeah! That was before I realized that you were using me. Just like you were using Edward." Jake said as Bella shook her head. "NO! It's true Bella. You used me to get over Edward and when he came back you dropped me like I was nothing. Like I meant nothing to you or at all." Jake says as Bella looks down at the ground.

"Jake I needed to get him back and once I did I was going to bring you into everything and then work on Alexander." She says as Jake just scoffs.

"And now you're hurt that I imprinted on Charlotte and don't want you anymore. Alexander never wanted you so... Leaving Edward... He is so hurt by what you did. So now... You want to make all of our lives a living hell. Well, I hate to disappoint you but it won't work. You, your mother and Cassie are nothing to anyone. None of you matter anymore. You all need to move on." Jake says as Bella cries.

I was pissed that Bella was still acting like Alexander, Edward and I belong with her

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I was pissed that Bella was still acting like Alexander, Edward and I belong with her. After everything she has done. After everything she, her mother and Cassie have done to the pack, the Cullen's and to Charlie. I was still mad that Charlotte wasn't here with me. I Hadn't heard from them in a few days and am starting to get worried.

"Look Bella, we are done here. Leave us alone." I say before walking inside, Rosalie and Emmett follow behind me. "Have either of you heard from Alexander or Katerina?" I ask once the door is closed.

"Not since they left the Volturi coven the other day." Rosalie says as she too looks scared. Emmett nods his head. "I'm starting to get worried about them." Rosalie says as me and Emmett nod our heads at her.

"Hey, how far can you all talk to each other?" Emmett asks, looking at me.

"I don't know! It's not like we ever tested it." I say as Emmett cocks his head. I sigh and head outside. "You do know it will only work if she is in her wolf form." I say as they both nod their heads. I shift, trying to concentrate only on Katerina's thoughts.

'Stupid fucking werewolfs!' I hear it sounds like Katerina.

'Katerina can you hear me?' I ask, hoping that she can.

'I swear to god if one more supernatural creature tells me that Alexander and I aren't meant to be together I will kill every last one of them.' Katerina says.

'Katerina can you hear me... It's Jake... Please answer me!' I say but it's like a one way connection. I shift back.

"I can hear her but she can't hear me." I say as I look at them scared.

"What did she say?" Emmett asks as Rosalie looks like she could pass out.

"Something about werewolves and if one more supernatural, tells her that she and Alexander don't belong together she is going to kill them all." I say as Rosalie gasps and Emmett looks pissed.

"We need to call Carlisle and you need to get the pack here now!" Rosalie says as she walks back inside.

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