Chapter 48

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I called Bella to see if she wanted to meet up and talk

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I called Bella to see if she wanted to meet up and talk. I suggested a coffee shop at noon. I arrived around 10 am just wanting to be out of the house. I was waiting for her as I sat in the back of the shop. I watched her walk in with her mother. I looked at them confused until they started to talk.

"Bella, this is a good sign that he wants to talk to you about getting back together. It means that he has feelings for you." Renee says with a smile. Bella nods her head and smiles.

"I know it is, but I still don't want to do this mom! I love Edward. Why can't I just be with him? That is all I want." Bella says as they sit closer up front. I watch as another woman walks in and heads over to Bella and Renee.

"Cassie!" Renee says standing up and hugging the woman. "It has been too long!" Renee says with a smile.

"Yes it has!" Cassie says looking over to Bella. "This must be Bella? How you've grown." She asks as she sits down with them.

"Yes it is! How is Embry?" Renee asks as Cassie sighed. Bella rolls her eyes.

"His father told him what I did. He wanted to know why, but I couldn't tell him that all I wanted was his family's money. I never meant to get pregnant with him, I just meant to have sex with him and blackmail him into getting all his family's money and then be on my way. So he moved out of my house and is staying with his father now." She says with a laugh. Did she not care about her son?

"I am so sorry! What else did he say?" Renee asks, looking a little concerned.

"That I am a horrible person and that he wishes I wasn't his mother. And that I was no better than you or your whore daughter!" Cassie said with a sob. "I lost the only person I had left." She says, whipping away her tears.

"OH! Cassie, I am so sorry! But I know how you feel. Charlie found out that Bella isn't his. Kicked her out and wants nothing to do with her. So now he gets all that money that his father left him now." Renee says with a sigh. Bella looks at them sad.

"And the worst part is that with Embry not living with me. Chris said he won't pay me child support any more. How am I supposed to live?" Cassie says as I growl in my seat. I listen for a few more minutes as they talk about what they had done and how they had planned it all. As well as what had gone wrong and how to fix it. Bella sat there soaking it all up and smiling at them. I left the coffee shop through the back exit. I need to think about what I just overheard.

"Edward?" I heard Bella say as I walked past the coffee shop. I stop and turn around to look at her.

"Um... Hey Bella!" I say as I turn to walk away from her. I no longer wanted to talk to her anymore, now I know what her mother wants her to do to me and my family.

"I thought you wanted to talk today?" She says as she bats her eyelashes at me.

"I wanted to let you know that we are moving!" I say as she looks at me shocked.

"That's not what you said on the phone when you called me last night?" She said more as a question than a statement as she plays with her hands.

"I know I didn't find out about it until after we talked." I say as I turn to walk away from her.

"Wait, Edward!" She says grabbing my arm. I turn and look at her. "I want us to be together! I miss you so much." She says with a big smile.

"The only way I will get back together with you is if there is a contract written, stating that you get nothing. No money, no property, nothing." I say as she looks at me shocked as she opens and closes her mouth. "But since we are moving it doesn't matter anymore." I say as I get into my car and drive away.

Alexander was over at the main house as I was at our house

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Alexander was over at the main house as I was at our house. I was cleaning up the house when the twin came running in from the back yard. They looked at me a little afraid. "What is wrong with my little ones?" I ask as I hear a car pull up to our house.

I move over to the window and see Renee and another woman getting out of a car. I growl as I watch them. I send a quick text to Alexander letting him know that we have company. I tell the twin to stay in the house. I make sure all the windows and doors are locked before I head to the front door and open it to see Renee smiling at me as Embry's mom glared at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask as sweetly as I can as they walk up the step to our door.

"Yes, we want to talk with you." Embry's mom says still glaring at me. Renee tries to step into my house. Moving to block her way into my home.

"Whatever you want to talk about can be done with the two of you outside of my home." I say with venom in my voice as they look at me shocked. "So say what you have to and leave my property." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"As you know Embry knows what I did to your mother and father." Embry's mom says with anger to her voice. I roll my eyes at her.

"And... What is your point?" I ask as she looks offended that I would talk to her that way.

"Look Katerina... What you did..." Renee says but is cut off with Alexander walking up to us. "Ah! Alexander..." Renee says with a big smile. Alexander walks up to me and kisses me deeply.

"Whatever you two want you won't be getting from us. Edward has already told Bella that he doesn't want to be with her and that they are moving. As for Embry, he has told you how he feels about you." Alexander says as Renee and Cassie look at him pissed.

"That's why we are here. My daughter loves Edward and wants to be with him. But if she can't be with him she wants to be with you." Renee says as I shake my head.

"Yes but too bad for you Edward heard your little plan to take all of the Cullen's money. All of my money." I say as Renee and Cassie look at us in fear. "Bella will never get another chance with Edward. And she sure as hell will never be with my husband. He doesn't want her nasty ass." I say with a sweet smile as Renee looks at me like she is ready to kill me.

"He heard what we were talking about? How?" Cassie asks as she looks over at Renee.

"Yeah and everyone knows what the two of you have done and are planning to do. Bella will never be part of our family." Alexander says with a smug smirk. Cassie and Renee shake their heads at us.

"What have you done? Why can't you just give us what we want?" Renee asks with a shaky voice. Alexander smiles and gives a small chuckle.

"Whatever we had to, to make sure Bella will never get what she wants from us. Or you for that matter." Alexander says with an evil smile. I smile as Jake opens the door and stands next to us. Cassie looks like she is about to be sick as Embry walks out of our home. He stands in front of his mother and shakes his head at her.

"Embry?" Cassie says in a shaky voice.

"The tribal elders know everything. You need to leave our land within 24 hours." Embry states in a cold tone. Cassie looks at him as she starts to cry.

"Embry I have nowhere to go. I have no money. No job!" She says as he scoffs at her.

"And what is your point? You did this to yourself." Jake says with a growl as Embry nods his head in agreement.

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