Chapter 38

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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He imprinted on the whore's daughter. How could he do this to me? I am supposed to be his imprint not her. She is just a baby and a vampire. I mean he never told me that I was his imprint but he always told me how much he loved me and how I was everything to him. Isn't that why he gave me clues to know about him being a wolf and the pack? I questioned myself as I rubbed my temples.

I am so confused why, would he choose a child over me. And not just any child, her child. I am so much better than her and her mother I always have been. And now he will protect her at all cost leaving me with nothing. I won't be able to get close enough to her or that other little brat. Why did he pick her and not me? Why are they so special? I ask myself.

 Why did he pick her and not me? Why are they so special? I ask myself

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It has been two days since I imprinted on Charlotte. I am sitting on the floor playing with her and little Paul. I don't think he likes me. He keeps growling and hissing at me. I hear Katerina giggle at us. Making me look at her confused. Alexander is trying to hide his laugh but I can see his smile.

"What? Why does he keep growling and hissing at me?" I ask looking over at Katerina and Alexander. I want him to like me. I mean he is Charlotte's twin and big brother.

"You have a hint of Bella scent on you. He doesn't like it!" Alexander says with a chuckle. I think about what I have on and remember that the bracelet that I showed Bella how to make, I was still wearing. I take it off and throw it in the trash can. I don't need it anymore. Katerina smiles at me as she sets a plate in front of me.

"Sit! Eat!" She says patting my shoulder. Alexander brings over Paul and Charlotte to eat with me. Paul looks at me and sniffs the air and then smiles at me.

After the twins and Jake ate lunch we took them out to the backyard to play

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After the twins and Jake ate lunch we took them out to the backyard to play. We watch as Jake chases the twins around the backyard laughing. I smile at my beautiful mate until we all hear her truck! Jake picks up Charlotte and Paul and growls at the house. I walk into the house and to the front door. Opening the door to see Bella standing there with a smug smile on her face.

"Alexander... Just the man I wanted to see!" She says trying to bat her eyelashes at me. She moved to touch me but I backed up a bit and growled at her.

"What do you want Bella?" I ask as Katerina comes and stands next to me. Bella glares at her, making me growl.

"I need to talk to Jake..." She says looking at me with what I am guessing is her version of a flirty smile.

"He's not here!" Katerina says with a sweet smile. I put my arm around her and kissed her head. Bella glares at me and Katerina even more.

"Yeah! Right... I know he is here with your little brat of a daughter." She says making Katerina growl at her. Bella looks sacred as she takes a step away from us.

"Bella, no one wants you, do you not see that?" I say with a growl still pissed that she called our daughter a brat.

"Alexander, how can you say that?" She asks with tears in her eyes making me scoff at her.

"It was easy... I don't want you. Jake doesn't want you. Hell, even Edward doesn't want you anymore. Move on with your life and leave us the hell alone." I say with a snarl at her. She gasps and looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"But I love you Alexander and you know that I would be a better mate than her." She says pointing at Katerina. "Not only to you but to Edward and to Jake as well. We would be so happy if you all would give me a chance to show you that I am better than her and the thing in there." She says, making me laugh at her as Katerina growls again.

"I don't think so. All you care about is yourself. It is all about what you want and what you can get from everyone else. As for me personally I would never leave Katerina and our babies for the likes of you! And don't ever call my daughter a brat or a thing ever again" I say trying to remain calm since the twins are close by. "Leave us alone! None of us want you." I say pulling Katerina back as I close the door in Bella's face. We hear her scream as she either hits or kicks the front door.

When we get back into the living room we see Jake has not only Charlotte laying on him but Paul as well they are all sleeping on the floor. I smile as I look over to Katerina who is giggling.

"Since they are asleep... Why don't we go and make another baby?" I say/ask as I lick my lips and wiggling my eyebrows at my beautiful mate. She gives me a smile as she starts to lock up the house and sets the alarm just in case. I pick her up and carry her to our room.

"We need to be quiet!" She says as I am kissing her neck. I hear her moan as she pulls me closer to her body. I am hard and ready to bury myself into her.

"Then let's take this to the shower!" I say pulling her to the bathroom and turning on the shower. I strip her of her clothes and take off mine. I pick her up and step into the shower. Stepping under the water with her in my arms. 

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