Chapter - 6

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"Mam, sir asked you to print the forms for the upcoming competition that is to be held in The Alexandra Theatre, without any further delay", Mike, one of our students told me and went straight to Krish to tell him that he has done the job assigned to him. Seriously, we have two whole months left for the Birmingham Dance Fair, but sir wants to apply to that now itself. Don't think he is sincere; he just wants to remind me that he is still angry for not answering his calls and ignoring him. He thinks that it is his payback time. This is so childish. This is how he is communicating with me for the past ten days, only through messengers. At first, I just accepted it and thought he will be back to his normal self, but ten days is a hell lot of a time that one needs to calm down. He is getting on my nerves now, what will our students think of us. He did not talk to me even when I bought him his favorite hot chocolate from Starbucks.

On top of all these things, he does not like me being friends with Vihaan. He thinks that I am ignoring him, just because I got a new friend. That is bullshit. He of all the persons should know that there is no one in my life to replace him. I think he is just jealous that I am spending my free time with Vihaan, rather than begging him for his apologies. I did beg him, by getting him a brand-new pair of dancing shoes and I even sent a sorry card to his apartment, which he now shares with his wonderful boyfriend, gaah.

After the party, me and Vihaan became very good friends. Despite being a top doctor in a famous hospital, he manages to have some personal time for himself, and he is such a cool guy. We had gone to so many simple yet famous restaurants and tasted so many delicious foods. We had even played a few stupid pranks on each other and enjoyed a lot. He is the exact opposite of me, he is mature, brilliant and always humble, while I am stupid and loud mouthed. He is like the brother, I have never had. And I had even met his secret girl last week. She is a nutritionist, who works in the same hospital as him. They both make a cute couple. This Krish can ignore me all he wants, but one day he will come to me if he has a problem.

The day rolled on lazily, with me trying to get Krish to talk to me and more of his attitude and ignorance. It was only when I was locking the door of the studio that I noticed him standing outside, talking to Gavin. Shit, I had almost forgotten, Gavin had called me during lunch and invited me to their house. In turn, I have invited Vihaan too, as he is free today. He was waiting on the other side of the road and came and stood beside me when I approached the couple.

They were busy discussing something, and Gavin gave me a warm smile and a side hug while that Dumbo turned his head to the other side as if he did not notice me. "Hey guys, this is my friend, Vihaan. I introduced him. "Hi Vihaan, I am Gavin and this is Krish my boyfriend. I must say I am hearing a lot about you lately", he introduced himself and his manner less boyfriend who was busy scrolling through his phone, they both shook their hands.

Vihaan turned to Krish and extended his hands and we all waited in anticipation for him to return the gesture. He finally put his phone in his pocket and shook his awaiting hands after what felt like an eternity. It felt like Krish does not have any problem having V over. We all sat in Gavin's car and started towards our destination.

Finally, we reached their house after twenty minutes. Krish walked first to open the door, followed by V and I walked slowly texting Mother that I would not be able to talk to her, while Gavin caught up with me after parking his car. "Hey Sanjana, Are you angry at me?". His question caught me off guard. "why do you think I would be Angry?", I asked him. "Well you might think I am the one who separated him from you. But trust me that is not the case. He might pretend that he is angry at you, but he misses you terribly and keeps whining about you and Vihaan being friends almost every day. Pleas don't be mad at him", he said with an apologetic smile. "Hey, I am not mad at you or him, in fact I am trying very hard to convince him, but he is ignoring me. I can't spend my day without talking to him", I spoke my heart out to him.

"Don't worry, that is why I have invited you and Vihaan today. We are going to solve every misunderstanding today", saying this he gave me a high-five and together we entered the house. Gavi started to work on his motive almost instantly. We all ate dinner and Vihaan helped me clean the vessels and stayed beside me all the time. We did it on purpose to irk Krish more, that is the only thing that could bring his anger out of the roof. Finally, when we were having dessert, V wiped the chocolate ice-cream that was on my nose, that Krish lost his so called cool and sat in between me and V.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to take care of?", he angrily asked V and he just grinned at him while handing the tissue, and said, "Well she has night shift buddy, so I have taken it my responsibility to irritate you". Krish started wiping my almost clean nose and said, "you are eating it like they are going to ban ice-cream in London from tomorrow, idiot" "Finally you are talking to me, hooohooooh", saying this I did a small happy dance. He got up from the couch and hugged me and whispered an inaudible sorry in my ear, male ego. I just winked at him and dragged him sit with me on the floor.

We caught up on all the things we missed in these ten days and laughed on so many embarrassing things Gavin shared about his boyfriend, and I literally fell on him every time, he tried to close Gavi's mouth trying to stop him. It all feels like old times now. Krish eventually warmed up to V and they even started teasing each other. I tell you Krish has the kindest heart among all of us.

We then played dumb charades and it was so much fun. Me and Krish teamed up against Gavi and V and they both struggled to beat us in our favorite game. It was when we were talking about how Gavin and Krish met each other that V asked me a question that knocked the air out of my lungs. He asked, "Hey San, what is your story. Have been in any relationship before?". Relationship, god I have had the pleasure of experiencing true love a few years ago. But my bad luck, I could not hold it for any longer.

V waited for my answer and got to know that he had hit a wrong button when he received complete silence from me. Krish diverted his attention from me and shook his head very minutely telling him not to question me. The three of them had a very sad look on their face. I gave them a smile and signalled them to continue their talk and got up to leave, when Krish pulled my hand and hugged me. I don't want others sympathy. I just want to live a normal life. But it seems impossible, when everything around me is an aching remainder of Arjun.

A distant yet familiar sound intruded my thoughts and Krish broke the hug and showed me something. That was when I noticed that he had a mobile in his hand, it was mine and it was ringing. I looked at the caller id and my mood lifted up slightly when I saw it was Anika who was calling me. I wiped my tears, excused myself and went into the terrace to answer her call.

As soon as I reached the iron railing, I answered her call. Her annoying yet cheerful voice hit my ears and I had to drag my phone away from my ears to save my poor earbuds. This girl can be so annoying sometimes, still I love her with all my heart. She was blabbering something to her boyfriend, maybe wondering about my silence when I put the phone back to my ears. Let's hear what she has to say this time.




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