Chapter - 14

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 "Sanjana, wake up. Did you forget? Come on..., get up we have to go to the mall. It is already late", I woke up to the ever-cheerful voice of Anika. "Good morning to you too, Ani", I told her in my groggy morning voice and sat up on the bed. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep and the first thing I saw, was a freshly showered Anika, sitting on the couch, tapping vigorously on her phone. This girl and her obsession with her phone. "Oh God, Anika. What time is it? I think I overslept, again", I panicked. "It is eight in the morning. Get ready fast. We are leaving in an hour", she said nonchalantly.

"What? It is only eight and you are ready to go. Why did you wake me up so early? I want to sleep some more", I tried to sleep, but this idiot pulled the blanket off me. "get your lazy ass up from the bed. We have to be there early, it might take hours to shop for the things in the list that mom gave me last night", she stated and started dragging me towards the door. "You did not tell me, you included your mom in the shopping, last night", I accused her all the while trying to get my hand off her iron grip.

"If I had told you then, you would have definitely refused to come, so I did not tell you", she told me like it is a simple thing and shrugged her shoulders. "No Anika, I can't intrude in your family time. What will she think of me?", I tried to reason with her, but to no avail. This made her stop and she turned towards me, "Shut up, you are not an intruder, and mom was the one who suggested it. Besides, she is not coming, we are taking Sid and Robert with us", she clarified, and I heaved a sigh of relief. "Now, go get ready fast", saying this she pushed me inside the bathroom.

Exactly after an hour, all of us were showered, had our breakfast and ready to begin our shopping escapade, just as Ani put it while she told me that all her cousins are going to accompany us, by all I mean ALL. So, after taking the necessary things, we were ready to go. All seven of us walked towards the garage, and four of her cousins, Neethu, Payal, Rohit and Nina were coming in one of Ani's father's many cars as they could not fit in her Audi A3. Soon we were speeding up towards our destination.

"Are we taking a different route? Because they are going straight, but we are taking a right turn", I asked Sid who was driving. "No, di we have to pick my bro-in-law first", he said and continued driving. "Sana, come out", Anika ordered while I sat on the passenger seat trying to control my yawns. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows in confusion. "We are going to meet Rob's parents. So...", she told me and gestured for me to come out. "Ok, if you want you can take Sid with you, I will wait in the car. Be quick", I casually told her and snuggled into my seat to find a comfortable position.

"No, you are coming with us to meet his parents. End of discussion" she said and dragged me out of the car. "What is with you and commanding? They're your in-laws not mine. Go and meet them, but leave me here" I told her and tried to go back in. But that idiot brother of hers locked the car just in time and grinned at me when I gave him my best glare. Unfazed by my reply or my anger she began dragging me inside a fancy five-star hotel and inside a huge elevator.

She did not leave my hand, even when we reached the floor where her would be family is staying. "Anika leave my hand. I can walk, no need to drag me like a puppy", I finally told her. "you won't run?", she asked me with an amused expression. "I am not a kid", I quarreled with her and turned the other way. "Exactly, but you are behaving just like a kid", this time that idiot told me and dragged me towards a suite. "You two are still the same, always bickering with one another", he teased me.

Before I could come up with a witty reply, the door opened revealing a handsome man, who looked just like the exact copy of Rob, but with slightly old features. "Welcome dear, you look so beautiful. No wonder my son is so smitten with you". He complimented her and pulled her in for a hug. He had wrinkles near his eyes when he smiled at her, it was kind of impressive. "You must be Siddharth and you are Sanjana right", I was surprised when he said my name and nodded my head meekly, we shook hands and he let us in. The way he pronounced my name was slightly comical. I would have laughed if I had not been admiring the expensive suit, that looked as big as my common parking lot back in London.

I have not met Rob's parents in person. This is my first time seeing them in person, I have only seen them in pictures and during some skype chats. His father welcomed us and went inside what I suppose as his room, leaving us to entertain ourselves. Soon he came out fully dressed, with a gorgeous lady, I immediately recognized her as his mom. She too hugged Anika, kissed her cheeks and they exchanged a few pleasantries. Finally, she noticed me and Sid, I gave her a smile and forwarded my hands, and opened my mouth to introduce myself. But she beat me to it, "Hey darling, you must be Sanjana. My son has told me so much about you. You look even more beautiful in person", she came and sat next to me and gave me a warm hug.

"Not more than your son mom", Rob announced his arrival and I stuck my tongue out at him, his parents laughing at my childishness. "Men should be handsome, not beautiful, dummy. Anyway, you are anything, but that", a man who I assume as his brother came in with a beautiful lady and a cute little girl.

"Hey guys. I am Jake, one and only handsome brother of this dummy. This is my wife Ella and my daughter Sophie", he introduced himself and his family and all of us shook hands. Rob is lucky to have such a sweet and cute family; his parents Charlie and Martha are so welcoming and Jake is funny and easy to be with and Ella is also a sweet person. And the cherry on top is his cute little niece, who looks like a small burrito.

We spent some time with his family and hurried out of the hotel, when we got continuous calls from her cousins asking us to come quick. After spending almost two hours in Delhi traffic we reached the mall, close to noon and began our shopping escapade.

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