Chapter - 45

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I am floating through the white clouds, dancing to the sloppy wind, hazily looking at all the birds that are flying beside me. It is like I am literally floating in the sky, skipping from one fluffy cloud to the other, jumping up and down like a lunatic whenever I outrun a bird that scowls my way, when it sees me fly past it. This can't be true. Humans for a fact cannot fly like birds without wings or even without the help of technology. I must be dreaming, but why do I look like a clown with a colorful witch hat and a disoriented outfit with tiny cotton balls hanging from every corner of the dress. Most of all, I am clutching a bird's leg and hanging down from the sky, licking my favorite ice cream. Ergh, what is happening to me?

I slowly came back to reality, pushing away the weird dream and concentrating on the hushed voices somewhere around me. I cannot understand what they are talking, but there are two men and they are having a serious conversation in hushed voices. They are so serious and by the tone of their voice, I can tell they are somewhere near me and they are unfamiliar. I want to know where I am, but I cannot open my eyes, even if I tried to. I tried to move my hand or any part of my body, but that seems like a very difficult task, because I find myself slipping back into the blankness around me.


I woke up from my dreamless slumber, to the sound of a song. Argh, why can I not open my eyes? I tried to move my fingers and this time I succeed in it. Happy with my achievement I slowly lifted my hand and opened my eyes which are reluctant to do the job they had been destined for; I looked at my hand in wonder. 'Oh gosh, I have a hand and it has five fingers in it. It is MOVING!' chuckling to myself at my lame joke, I blinked my eyes and tried to look at the surrounding. A sudden panic rose in me when I saw that the curtains on my left side aren't my curtains and the ceiling too looks different. "Where am I?", I wondered out aloud.

I can feel something soft underneath me. I ran my fingers on it to see that it is indeed a bed, so soft and comfy and I am lying on it, with a blanket covering my lower body. I slowly lifted my head up which throbs as I sit up and rub my face to get rid of the sleep. I heaved a deep sigh of relief when I am sure that my hands and legs are not bound to the bed post like I thought and I am in the clothes I had worn when I boarded my plane in Bangalore. But where am I? I looked around the spacious room. The room is painted a dull gray with a beige color couch on one side and a big flat screen tv opposite to the king size bed. The other side of the room has a floor to ceiling window and the curtains are all black, contrasting well to the gray color. There is a big photo of a lady in her twenties hanging on the wall to my right and I find myself looking closely at her. She looks so familiar.

There is also a bookshelf in one corner where so many books are neatly stacked, and beside it is the vanity which is also beige in color. There are two other white doors in the room. One must be the bathroom, but the other? how did I end up in such a nice room? This is definitely not a hotel room, but whose house is this? As I was wondering about how to get the heck out of this place, one of the doors opened and in came a middle-aged lady, holding a mop in her hand. She stilled when she noticed that I am wide awake and staring at her. It would be a lie if I say that I did not get startled because of her. I looked at her from head to toe, she is petite in a neat salwar suit and her hair is in a neat bun, giving a clear view of her round face and beady black eyes, which are adorned with kohl. Her fingers tightened around the mop ever so slightly and I wondered whether will she beat me if I make a quick run for the door.

Then I heard the same sound, that woke me up from my slumber, and found that the sound is coming from a phone placed on the vanity table. The lady rushed to the phone and audibly gulped looking at the caller id. She hurriedly swiped the answer button and placed her phone near her left ear. She listened intently to what the other person is saying and after looking at me she said, "Yes sir. Madam is awake?" Madam! Is she referring to me? She flinched at whatever the other person said and nodded her head vigorously even though they can't see her. I would have laughed at how comical she looked, if I were not consumed by my nerves. She then kept her phone on the table, after a series of nods and a few hums of approval. Speaks of phones, where is mine?

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