Chapter - 25

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I was swaying to the music that poured into my ears with the help of the morning breeze that hit my face. It was so beautiful and enchanting. It was a cello piece, and I loved dancing to the music. I felt so happy to have listened to that music. Suddenly a blaring noise got mixed with the sound and I was so irritated that I stopped dancing and looked around for the source of that noise. It was an irritating yet familiar beat. I stretched my hand to grab my phone form the side table to turn off the alarm and sat up on my bed. I smiled to myself when I remembered the pleasant dream, I had this morning.

It felt so wonderful and I knew it then that it was too good to be true. Only your dreams will let you see the extraordinary things. The next extraordinary thing I saw was Anika, standing in front of the mirror, doing her make up, but it was not a dream. She looked beautiful in her light blue salwar and matching accessories. She surely is an early riser, unlike me, who does not want to wake up even when the sun hits my back. She was singing a song while drying her wet hair, that she did not notice me.

"Boooh". I yelled near her ear, when I got close to her and I was very pleased to see her frightened eyes. "You scared me, Sana", she said while shoving me away. "That was my mission, my lady", I answered her and bowed my head to appear dramatic. She hit me with her comb and said, "Go get ready. It is already late", I laughed at her and ran towards the bathroom, not before ruffling her hair. "God, I thought this girl is quiet, but look at her", she shouted behind me and I winked at her and entered the bathroom. I liked irritating Gayu and the same goes to my new roommate too.

I had a quick shower and I was ready by the time Ani finished texting her sweet boyfriend, (her words not mine). Together we strolled out and found Shreya and Raksha waiting for us at the gate. Today I had a pleasant dream, as a result I was so cheerful when I met them and I hugged them both and Ani laughed hard when she saw their shocked face. "she has been like this since morning", she informed them and I explained why I was in a good mood and we all made way towards our respective classes.

Shreya and I had the same class, so we parted ways with our 'seniors' and went to our class. Our first class was unfortunately Mr. BM's. I don't know why I feel hostile towards him. That poor man does not even know me personally, but his grumpy nature did not sit well with me. As usual he started his rant about Math in business world and I waited for him to dive into the subject, but that did not happen ten minutes before the bell. I was so grateful for the person who rings the bell on time. The next period went on in a daze with Ms. Priya gushing about the basic principles and it was soon the third period.

I felt myself getting more and more excited when the third period rolled on. I don't know where this enthusiasm is coming from, or for what. All I know is that I hate myself for having these feelings. I could not even concentrate on the class due to that. I have not seen any of the gang members since morning. I am looking forward to have lunch with them, maybe that is why I am feeling excited, I tried to console myself. But I know I was excited to a certain tall boy with captivating black orbs. I should not forget to thank him for saving me, that is why I can't get him out of my head. I told myself.

The sound of the loud bell brought me out of my dream land, and I hesitated to get up from my seat. But I had to when I received a call from the ever-impatient Ani, and made my way towards the common spot where she had asked me to come. On my way, I grabbed Shreya's hand and dragged her along with me. By the time we reached there, Raks, Ani, Rob and Varu were already waiting for us. I waved them hi and stood next to Anika. We were discussing about which restaurant to go, as all of us had class after lunch, when Harish jogged to us.

He reached us and smiled at me and said, "Hi Sanjana" and turned his head to welcome the new comer of our gang. Suddenly his smile turned into a grim line and he had shock written all over his face. "What are you doing here?", he asked Shreya in utter disbelief. When I looked at her, she too had that same expression on her face. "I should ask you that", she spat at him angrily. What is happening here? "Did we miss something?". I broke in between their staring contest and asked them when both of them refused to let go of their anger.

"Nothing Sanjana. She is my relative", he said it like he did not wish for her to be his relative. "I am not related to you", she yelled back and I was shocked to see the soft-spoken Shreya shout at him like that. Maybe I have judged her too fast. "Well, your mother is my father's cousin. You are her daughter", he shrugged his shoulders and ran a hand through his hair. "Then that technically makes you his relative", Rob pitched in desperate to break the ice between those two. But one hard glare from Shreya, he raised his hands in surrender and went back.

They both were glaring at each other, when Varun's phone rang, diverting the attention from the fighting bulls for a minute. "Yeah sure Aju. bye", he said and my attention automatically went to him after hearing his name. "Guys Arjun called and said that he can't join us as he is going to have lunch with Ananya. So, let us leave, before they start rough housing", he said pointing to Shreya and Harish. All of them nodded and together we went towards Harish's car. "Man, you have got an angry bird for yourself", Varun punched Harish's shoulder and whispered to him, but I caught them and raised my eyebrows at his words. They both just shrugged awkwardly and ran towards their seat.

But I did not have the mood to go out for lunch anymore. The name Ananya constantly came to my mind and it gave me an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried my best to ignore it, but I could not when his face kept coming back in front of my eyes. I shook my head to clear my head and jumped in fright when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Oye, where are you lost madam? Come out we are here", Ani nudged me and I got out of the car and walked inside with others.

The restaurant was nothing fancy, yet it felt so warm and cozy. We had come to a restaurant named 'Daily Toast', as it was near to our college. I did not know anything about it, but the guys kept praising them and they even knew the owner of the restaurant. We were ushered towards a corner table, near the patio. I instantly knew it was their common table, when I saw Varun and Ani fighting for a certain seat. They will never change. I shook my head at their silly antics and sat beside Harish. What is bothering me is that, not even their banter, let me get out of my confused state.

I was mostly silent when the guys did most of the talks. They shared their memories together in this place and it was so good to hear people talk happily about their past. I kept looking around the place to envision the things that they did together and felt a warm feeling settle in my heart when I realized how blessed I was to have them as my friends. We ordered our food and shared it with each other. I was so happy and kept smiling like a fool for no reason.

We soon finished our lunch and even then, both Harish and Shreya kept glaring at each other for no reason. They did everything they could to irritate each other and it really made us mad. "Will you guys stop it and act like adults?", I shouted at them everyone looked at me with wide eyes. What have I done? Why did I shout like that? By now we were standing in the parking lot and I even gained a few audiences. I was embarrassed at myself for behaving like that. If they were behaving like that, I am no lesser than them.

I could not comprehend why I did what I did. Perhaps, it was the simple fact that their silliness irritated me, or because I saw Arjun coming to the college with a girl in his bike. God, why do I feel sad for seeing them laugh like there is no tomorrow. I don't know what the hell is happening with me. I apologized to both Harish and Shreya and made my way towards my dance class.

Every time when I felt sad, dance helped me come out of my mind trapped by emotions and healed me. But dance too ditched me today, as I kept quarreling with my mind and at last, I gave up and sat on the bench that was kept at the corner of the room. I did not know when the class got over, or when Shrey came and sat next to me. "You don't have to feel sad", she assured me and I looked at her confused. I have not told anyone what is bothering me, then how did she know.

"It is ok. I did not take you wrong when you shouted at me. So, chill", she gave me a side hug. "No, I.... it..its I am sorry", I stuttered and looked down genuinely sorry for hurting her. "Hey don't sweat over that. I was at fault too. When I see that idiot, I lose my cool. So now chill down", she said and laughed. I got mesmerized by her laugh and joined her. "I think Dhruv sir is rubbing off on us", she said and we laughed again, while saying "Chill" together.


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