Chapter - 5

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of something or rather someone hitting on my door. Disoriented, I slowly got up from my bed and made my way towards the door. I peeped an eye through the peephole and our apartment's ever young and ever famous secretary Reena aunty was standing outside the door rearranging her perfect make up and may be wondering why I have not opened the door yet. Satisfied with her look she knocked on the door once again with her humongous hands. I opened the door afraid that she might go call the security team if I don't open the door in the next thirty seconds, because she would do that kind of things. Creating a ruckus for nothing.

As I opened the door, she gave me a once over. She scanned me from top to bottom like she is doing an ultra-scan in a very keen manner as if trying to find my disorder. I rubbed my droopy eyes as I stood In front of her like a stupid when compared to her with my loose t shirt and faded shorts, my hair like a cuckoo's nest. "Arey, why are you looking like you have not showered in a thousand years? Did you forget that today is my anniversary party?", she asked in an irritated voice. "Oh, aunty happy anniversary and convey my wishes to uncle too, on my behalf" I spoke to her in my somewhat sleepy voice. "what, you are not coming to the party then? You must come to Atlanta Hotel sharp at 6 o'clock today. This is not a request, an order. Do you get me?", she spoke in her trade mark Reena aunty voice which no one could refuse, if they want to be alive. I nodded my head vigorously like an obedient child. "And please look presentable, it is a high-profile party", she told me while looking at my t-shirt which said I don't give a fuck in big bold letters.

I seriously don't want to go to the party, but I don't want to face aunt's wrath either. she took care of me when I first came here and uncle is a real gentleman. I have to attend the party at least for him. Choosing a dress to wear for the party is going to be yet another head ache, I don't want to worry about it now, I have a more serious issue at hand, that is to run another class without Krish. I don't want to be late to the class, so started getting ready hurriedly and forgot to have my breakfast. Krish called me when I was in the metro and he spoke only about the performance of the students and the competition schedule, not even a single word asking how I am. I realized with the sudden jolt of the metro when it stopped in a station that he was angry at me for not replying to his messages and calls. I tell you angry Krish is so hard to deal with an irritated or sad one, he does not talk to me and gives me cold shoulder to whatever I say. It has been almost an year since we had that fight.

It was a day in December and we had a busy schedule that day. I was unable to concentrate on anything, as I kept thinking about a call, I had received from India the previous night. Mother had called me to check up on me and I casually told her that I am unable to sleep at night because of the nightmare that keeps haunting me every night. She started scolding me for not telling her about this before and immediately wanted me to visit a psychiatrist. On top of that she scolded Arjun for leaving me and told that I am wasting my time thinking about 'that stupid guy'. She called him stupid and I was so hurt that I hung up on her which I have not done in the whole of my lifetime. The next day I told Krish about our fight and he seconded Mother in her decision and said that I am being childish and silly for no reason.

Come on Sana you have to forget him and move on, you cannot spend your whole life thinking about him. He is not going to come back to you. Do understand that and MOVE ON. These were the exact words he told me that day. I was so upset with Mother for asking me to forget him. How can I do that? It is the only thing that keeps me going. I would be a dead corpse if I forget him. I don't want to forget him; he is all I ever needed and his love is the only thing that changed me. Even if he is not with me now, I can't forget him it is like he has engraved himself in my soul, it can never be taken away from me. So please stop saying that, will you Krish?  I shouted at him. He exhaled loudly through his nose as if to control his anger. I have never seen him this angry in this one year I had known him. Sana you are losing it. Please for my sake forget that idiot and try to move on, he pleaded with me. That's it. I completely lost it. Who are you to tell me what to do? I will not forget the only love of my life. Just shut up okay.

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