Chapter - 41

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I cried as I remembered that fateful day which changed my life. I still have the ring on my finger, meaning I am still his fiancé. I don't want anyone in my life, my life with him was like a fairy tale, so beautiful and magnificent. I won't ever be able to love someone the way I love him. He will forever be the love of my life and no one can change my heart. I hugged the blanket close to my chest and sat up from my sleeping position. The sky looked a dull gray with streaks of lights peeking from inside the dark clouds, indicating that a bright morning is not far away. I wiped my face and looked at the peeking streaks of lights that always promises a bright morning.

It is always a wonder, how a day that rises with the sun, bringing hope to millions of people all around the world, turns into a memory in a span of 24 hours. Every passing day leaves an imprint behind as it turns into a memory. Some are left to cherish and some are left to feel sad. But a day that comes alive, definitely turns into a memory that would eventually fade into the universe of nothingness just as my Ajju faded away from this world. But he will live in my heart as long as I breath and in the hearts of the people who love him as long as love rules the world.

Thinking about his death pains my soul every time, but as time passed on, I got accustomed to it and now I started loving the pain too, that he left behind him. My numb heart only beats for him and the pain is like a living force to it. Without pain there is no love and without love no heart will be able to beat. Over the years, human civilization has reached new phases, but what keeps the human heart alive has not changed. Even the cruelest of minds, have hearts and even if they are believed to be made of stone, love can change it, just like it changed me. I would not have gained the confidence to become a famous dancer without his love. It is true that love has the power to make you or break you. In my case, it has done both. It has given me a successful career, and it has also broken my heart into irrecoverable pieces.

I made a huge mistake in the past by running away from my problems. I want to know what happened at the meeting before the accident as Arjun was not any rash driver. He was a trained racer for god's sake. He had passed many hurdles tougher than passing a truck and him getting hit by a truck sounds fishy to me. He looked so bothered about something and I want to know what got him all tensed, as my gut feeling says it is about me. It is high time I start disentangling the woven mystery that is surrounding me for the past years. MM is also highly concerned about my safety since I reached India. She has been pestering me to not go anywhere alone, as if I were a five-year-old. My life is a huge mess right now.

Sighing, I kept the blanket back in its place and got ready to go back to the hotel, before any of my friends could notice my absence. But I have never been lucky enough in my life. As I stood up, Harish came running up the stairs followed by Varun. Panting heavily, he came up to me and stood in front of me. He bent down and held his knees, trying to take huge gulps of air to calm his frantic heart. After a few minutes, when his breath normalized, he gave me an accusing glare, one that had me bending my head down in guilt. "Why didn't you inform any of us about your whereabouts Sana?", he asked me, meanwhile, "And why the fuck did you switch off your phone?", Varun yelled at me. Shit, I must have scared them.

"I am sorry guys. I forgot to charge my phone. But I texted Ani informing her that I am leaving the party." I reasoned out to which I received a glare from Varun. "But you did not go to the hotel as you mentioned in your so-called text", Varu air-quoted the word text and gave me a sickly-sweet smile. Geez, there is a shit load of advice waiting for me when I get back to the hotel. I ignored his attitude and walked past them towards the stairs. They followed me without any protest and I was so grateful for that.

"How did you know I am here?", I asked them as I did not know how they guessed I would be here. If someone had told me I would be here a month before, I would have killed them. "It is not rocket science, buddhu", Varu mocked me and received a glare from Harish. "No Sana, we were worried after reading your text. Ani had called one of her aunts to know about you. But you did not go to the hotel. We were all tensed, but the club's owner Karthik helped us check the CCTV footage and we saw you going in a taxi", he took a deep breath and Varu continued, "Then with the help of Karthik we found the cab driver and he told us you came here, simple", he shrugged his shoulders as if he were the one to find me.

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