Chapter - 52

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I made sure to maintain a safe distance of twenty feet between his car and my auto to not make him suspicious. Who knows what he will do to me if he comes to know that I am following him? I am determined to find out what he is hiding behind that arrogant smirk and cold eyes of his. I am sure; he is going to meet someone secretly. Why else would he cover himself with his hoodie and wear his shades at night? Besides, he was tensed and nervous for some reason at the dinner table, tonight. I was sitting right opposite to him, but he did not meet my eyes the whole time he sat there, quietly munching on his food. Usually he would occasionally glare at me and try to pull my leg. But today he did not do any such thing, which is strange.

After an hour of following him into the dark night, full of stars and a crescent moon peeking from under the darkest of clouds, his car slowed down to a stop near a huge tree, on the outskirts of the city. I don't know why he parked his car in this place. I could not see a single vehicle in the deserted road. Thankfully, I asked the driver to stop the auto near a beaten up brick building, before he saw the vehicle or me. That way, I will be shielded from his sight and watch him without getting caught. He turned off the headlights of his car but did not get down. Even after ten minutes, there was no movement from him. So I slowly got down the auto and asked the driver to wait for me. I slowly made my way near the building and hid behind one of the broken pillars.

After what felt like hours, but in reality only ten minutes, I saw his dark silhouette getting out of the car, just as another car came into view. The bright light from that car pierced through my eyes, momentarily blinding me. I closed my eyes at the sudden intrusion and blinked slowly to get adjusted to the light. When I opened my eyes, the lights of the car were turned off and a person got out from the driver's seat. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. But it was so dark out there. I could not see who Karthik was talking to. I could not hear what they were talking. I wanted to get a bit closer, but stayed at my place in fear of exposing myself. After another ten minutes a bike came to where they were standing. The bulky man who drove the bike got down and shook hands with both Karthik and the other man.

They started talking animatedly. I could not stand still with all the curiosity. So I inched closer to them and hid behind a tattered wall. This way I hid myself well and I was able to hear what they were talking, but only in fragments as the wind around me howled every now and then. They were talking in hushed whispers, making it even harder for me to hear. "I don't think it is possible anymore da. You can't just do it forever", the first guy who came after Karthik said facing him. "Yes it is highly risky. Please, don't involve yourself", the bike guy whispered. I could not hear what Karthik spoke to them. But a loud honk from a passing truck took both their and my attention for a minute. When I turned around, I was shocked out of my wits to see the scene in front of me. For a minute I could not do anything. My mind froze in its place and my hands flew up to cover my mouth, when I saw Aadithya hugging Karthik. What is Aadithya doing here with Karthik? It is possible for them to know each other, but what are they doing alone here in this deserted area at this time of the night.

"I wish I never did such a horrible thing in the past da. I completely failed as a brother. I know what I did was wrong and unacceptable but I can't turn back in time and change that day. Because of that you are suffering too. I hope you understand my concern. Think of what I said to you over the phone. I will leave now" Aadi patted Karthik's shoulder and turned around to go. 'Failed as a brother?' "I am sorry bro", Karthik whispered in a broken voice. Aadi turned around and gave Karthik another hug and walked to his car. The other man shook Karthik's hand, "I will be there to help you anytime sir. We will meet soon", he said and walked to his bike. What is happening here? Why did Aadi say that he failed as a brother? He looked guilty and full of remorse. What the hell is actually happening here? What are they trying to hide? My head felt full and heavy with all the questions.

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