Chapter - 26

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I was sitting at the lunch table, waiting for my crazy friends to join me. It has been a month since college started and everything is going well for me, except Arjun. He started ignoring me like I did not even exist and continued with his life happily. I on the other hand, can't get him out of my head. I have started getting better both in academics and dance too. We as a gang became even more closer over the month and we can't even have food without the others. We bonded close to each other and I started letting go of my insecurities and let myself enjoy their company to the fullest.

Hari and Shrey became friendly over these days, if occasional glaring contest and a timid smile could ever be counted as friendly. Other than that, they have pretty much kept their hate or love for each other to themselves. I started suspecting them when I saw them stealing glances at each other when they thought others did not notice them. But Shrey acted in a weird way when I asked her about it and Hari too did not answer my question. Let them be as discreet as possible, but one day they will have to come clean to us.

"What ya doin' beautiful?", Rob shouted from behind, scaring the hell out of me. I clutched my heart and looked at him wide eyed. This guy has definitely gone mad. After his heroic entry he came and sat next to me followed by the others. "Oh sir has decided to grace us with his presence today", Raks mocked Arjun in her shrill voice when he came and sat next to Varu. Oh how much I wanted to ask him that, but I could not as I acted like I did not see him. But every time he is near, I can feel it in my heart. It sounds weird, right. I don't know what the hell is happening to me.

He ignored her comment and started eating his food, without even talking to anyone. I thought that he is a nice guy when he helped me, but turns out I was wrong in my assumption. He is an arrogant idiot, who does not even consider others feelings. At first, when he distanced himself from the gang, everyone was so sad and confused as to why he was behaving like that. I thought he did not like me or Shrey being friends with the others and decided to ask him about it. But that grumpy wall of a man, shouted at me and marched out of the canteen, like he freaking owned it, Bastard.

After that I distanced myself from others and avoided having lunch with them. It did go on like this for one week. Then suddenly one day, Ani and Rob dragged me to their table and warned me not to do something silly like that, ever. I had to agree when I saw how they were concerned and cared about me and since then we became close. What piqued my interest is Hari was smiling at Shrey and she even reciprocated it. Whoa am I missing something? I should definitely talk to her about this. The others too noticed it, but they remained silent.

When I was looking at them, I saw Surya one of my friends and dance partner from the dance class wave at me, and I waved back with a smile of my own. He is such a nice guy, always helping others and smiling at people for no reason at all. Not like a certain someone who is born to glare at others, hmm. Why am I even thinking about him? I can't get him out of my head even after him humiliating me in the public. It is like he has ingrained himself in my head and that does not sound so appealing, not at all.

I could hear a spoon falling on the ground in a not so subtle way and I turned my head to look at the back of a pissed off Arjun making his way out after pushing his plate away with so much force that Rob's plate went crashing down. Seriously, what the heck is this guy's problem? Can't he do things in a normal way. Poor Rob was looking at his fallen plate with an open mouth and the others were looking at him with confusion clear in their eyes. "What the fuck is his problem?", Raks shouted making me flinch away. Varu opened his mouth to say something but, Hari quickly shut him up, while gesturing his eyes for him to look at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and finished my food, not before seeing Raks flaring her nose up at those two for god knows what reason. I don't want to get involved in their silly talk, I have an important class to attend and an upcoming competition to practice for. Waving my hands at them, I got up from my seat and made my way towards my class, not even bothering to wait for Shrey and Ani. What are they hiding from me? I don't care, if they wanted to share, they would have done it. I don't want to fret about something that does not involve me. But little did I know, what was bothering them.

I did not see Shrey in class today. She was with me during lunch, but where is she now. Why is everyone hell bent on making me mad? I kept looking at the entrance for quite some time, that I attracted the unwanted attention of Dhruv sir. Where is this girl? She did not say anything to me about being absent too. I should have waited for her after lunch, my mistake. I forgot about her, when I was so furious about that idiot. I don't know what is happening to me, but I am changing for sure. I never zoned out in my classes before, but I constantly find myself zoning out for no reason. I even got detained after class by Prof. Sriram, our dear Mr. BM last week for not being attentive in class.

See I have zoned out again to the point that I did not see anyone leaving the class, I did not even hear the final bell. I should do something about this. I locked the door while cursing the human wall for ruining my thoughts and walked out of the building into the night sky that is snoring peacefully with a thick blanket of darkness covering it. I did not notice how dark it has gotten outside, until I found a tall and bulky figure approaching me out of nowhere. This part of the campus, that leads to the girl's dorm is always a little too aloof and creepy for my taste. No one would be here at this time. Me and Shrey would sing songs and shout just to reassure ourselves. But that girl is not here today.

I did not mind that figure and kept walking like I don't give a damn about anything. I was being yanked behind a tree suddenly and a big and dirty hand covered my mouth before I could scream for help. Why does this look so familiar? I fought to escape from the death grip of this person, but I could not do anything. He slammed me into a tree and I was shocked to see his evil face which had an ugly smirk and victory danced in his eyes. What is he doing here? I thought he was expelled from college.

He is the same guy who tried to kiss me on my first day here. I think his name is Akhilesh. After Arjun's complaint the management took strict actions against it and he along with his gang was expelled from college. No one knows that I was the reason behind it. Now what is he doing here? "Oh, oh... hold your horses little one. I am here for you and only you", he said with a sinister smile. His creepy stare and that smile stirred a new wave of fear in my heart and I pressed my fisted hands to my chest to reduce my fear.

"Wh...a...t ar..e yo...u doi..n.g", I managed to croak and he just laughed at me, like a huge thunderous laugh that shook my heart. "You are afraid of me? You should have thought about it before running to that lover boy of yours whining about me", he screamed at my face with red bulging eyes. Lover boy, who? I wanted to ask him. But I kept my doubts to myself as I did not want to irk him more.

He took a deep breath and slowly reduced the distance between us. Meanwhile I could hear my own heart trying to run out of my chest and I had a hard time seeing his face due to the tears that threatened to come out of my eyes. He leaned his face closer to my ear and whispered, "don't waste your energy by crying now, little one. Save your energy for later to scream my name when I take you, while you are under me", and laughed maniacally. Oh god what is he saying? Is he going to kidnap me?

I put my shaking hands on his chest and tried to create some distance between me and him, but he would not budge. "Do you know what your touch is doing to me? You are killing me with your eyes baby", he whispered with lust in his eyes and tried to kiss me. I wriggled in his arms desperate to get away from him, But the more I wriggled the more he tightened his hold on me and at last I had no option than to bite his hand that was caressing my cheek roughly.

"You bitch", he screamed and moved away from me and examined his hand which was bleeding. I took that as a chance and tried to run from there and I succeeded in it. But my victory was only short lived when I saw two more men approaching me at full speed and that guy Akhilesh too ran towards me. I tried my best to flee and put all my energy into making my legs work faster, but I could not out run them. A hand suddenly gripped my hair and I let out a painful scream when he yanked me by my hair and the last thing I felt before the darkness consumed me was a tight slap, I got from none other than Akhilesh.        


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