Chapter - 56

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I watched as the trees and milestones blurred past me like a small child who is seeing everything for the first time. Yet I am not excited. I am too nervous to even avert my eyes from the window of the car. I kept my eyes trained on the tinted window, looking at the outside world through it. Only my eyes are wandering, my mind is trapped in a web of self-doubt and apprehension. The trees and small plants guarding the highway are passing away like a gush of wind. Why can't my problems vanish like that? 'Because life is not a child's play', my brain chided me. We had crossed the Tamil Nadu – Karnataka border an hour ago and it is well past midnight.

My nerves are getting the best of me as we get nearer to the mansion. They seem to be sprawling out of my belly and are spreading out engulfing my body like a spiral wave, skillfully numbing my brain and forcing me to focus on only the odds of the situation. What if we don't reach there on time? What if someone gets hurt? What if someone dies? What if Raghunath somehow came to know of our plan and took my mother away? What if I do some mistake and end up killing everyone? What if one of our men gets hurt or worse dies? Will the people staying back home be safe? What if something happens to them? All these questions are revolving around my head and causing me a head ache. Right now, I want to whack my brain on the windshield for coming up with negative thoughts.

'Stay positive Sanjana, nothing wrong is going to happen tonight', 'Stay positive', I chanted the words in my mind repeatedly to calm my jumpy nerves. I jumped away in fear when a warm hand enveloped mine. I turned to my left to see Praveen bro holding my hand with an unfathomable look. He is also worried, but he is good at hiding it. It is not every day you step into the den of a mafia leader, to kill him. He blinked his eyes telling me silently, 'Everything will be alright.' I squeezed his hand and gave him a small smile.

We were nearing the end of the road that connects the highway to the forest. Nobody said anything. They were all in their own world, thinking about the various possibilities that could unfold tonight. Soon the car stopped near the forest and so did the two vans following behind us. Mr. Rao excited the car first, to instruct his team. It is only the three of us inside now. I don't know, but for some reason I looked at Karthik and he was already looking at me through the rear view mirror. He gave me a small smile which I found myself returning and reassured me with his eyes.

Then he turned to Praveen bro, they were talking to each other with their eyes as if they don't want me to hear whatever they are thinking. It was kind of awkward for me to sit there and pretend that I did not catch them when they were gesturing to me with their eyes every two seconds, so I got down the car and joined the team of men who were standing close to the entrance of the forest. They were all huddled together in a circle, and their chief was whispering something to them. "Be prepared. Seize all the evidence", Mr. Rao was telling them in a stern whisper.

I walked past them as they began discussing about the various tactics they would need to apply to take control of the CCTV room and Raghunath's office. I took small steps into the forest, just as I heard the car doors slam shut. Soon multiple footsteps could be heard and we continued the narrow mud trail amidst many ferns, lichen and wildflowers. I kept my eyes on either side of the forest, to see if there is any movement. The forest is not so deep, so there is no threat of animals. But some of his men might be roaming here.

We heard rustling of leaves and just as I had expected I found one of Raghunath's men patrolling the area that connected the forest to the nearby powerhouse. He had an assault rifle in his hand, and he was facing the other side. Karthik and Praveen bro were beside me in a flash. They pushed me back and took a protective stance in front of me. Few of our guards covered us and a sniper aimed at the man, taking him out with two silent bullets. I could not hear the gun shot but I heard the whoosh and saw blood spilling from the man's chest. I don't know him, but I feel bad for him. He had joined hands with the evil; there is nothing I could do to save him.

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