Chapter - 44

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I woke up at six in the morning the next day and got ready to execute my plan. I did all my chores and packed my stuff for a few days. I have to be here for a few more days to find out what really happened. But I need to be very discreet about it, or else I might never find out the real culprit still hiding behind the scenes. I left a message for Krish, asking him to go back to London without me, also assuring him that I would get back before the big contest of the year. Then I left a message for Anika and Rob wishing them good luck and apologizing for not being able to stay any longer. Then I left a message for all my other friends. Now I have to move fast and get out of the hotel before any one of them sees me.

I reached the International airport in the next thirty minutes in an uber and walked in to the terminal to get my boarding pass and waited for the time to arrive. I still had time to board the flight. I checked my phone to see if I had received any message from my friends, thankfully there were none. I got myself a cup of coffee to ease my nerves and scrolled through some dance videos on YouTube, just to kill my time. When it was finally time, I boarded the flight that would take me to the place, where I could solve the first part of the tangled puzzle. I would reach Chennai in approximately ninety minutes and it will take an hour or so to reach my home, only if the diurnal traffic of my home city goes easy on me.

I got the window seat, and pushed myself more into the seat just to avoid any last-minute run ins with some unwanted people. The last thing I want now is to get caught by any of my friends. It is not that they can stop me or something, even if they do, I will not pay any heed to it, but I don't want MM to know that I am on my way to meet her. The voice of the pilot came floating through the confined space of the flight and he announced that the flight is about to take off.

I let out a deep sigh only when I was sure that I was flying high in the sky and the clouds floating beside me were real. Some might think I am being paranoid for no reason, but this stupid feeling in the back of my mind would never leave me alone. It keeps saying that I am constantly being followed by someone. I got this feeling even when I was in college and in London too. I never paid any heed to it. But now, it feels like I am being monitored 24/7 and there is a presence darker than the night around me.

I think I am overthinking and tiring my brain into believing that something terrible is about to happen. I have never really understood why I think this way or that way. It all comes naturally, like when I am sitting on top of the terrace and all my thoughts will be about someone pushing me down from behind me, or how good it will be to float down from the sky without any restraint relishing the painted images of nature at its perfection. When I am going in a car or a bus, then all my thoughts will be about a vehicle much bigger than mine, miraculously appearing in the road and hitting mine in a most horrible way. I was never good at imagination, all I ever imagined were the nightmares that comes knocking my door every night to remind me that I can never be peaceful in my life. I had tried so hard to stop those thoughts, but I could not. Even the shrink could not put a full stop to all my dreams.

When I was a small girl, after Father's death I would get dreams about him and me playing around the church, him teaching me gospels and him feeding me every day. Then, as time went on, I would get dreams of someone trying to abuse me in all the possible ways. But that was the effect of the abuse I faced as a child. It started fading off eventually and later it was replaced by some weird things like me travelling somewhere and meeting many faceless people who would look at me wherever I go.

Then as an adult I got dreams of me dancing in many competitions and even failing in all of them. It was how I grew up. But in between all these, I would get nightmares about physical abuse every now and then, as it is my deepest scar, reminding me again and again how vulnerable I was, unable to defend myself. As I grew up I got accustomed to my dreams, and even started expecting them when I went to sleep every day.

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