Chapter - 47

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After reading the contents of the folder, one thing became very clear to me. My father is hiding something big from me. I did not find my mother's death certificate anywhere. There are photos of my mother and my grandfather, but there are no photos of my mother and Mr. Raghunath together. I have to get out of here, then with the help of my friends I will somehow find out what the real truth about my family is. But how do I get out of this place? That too without raising any alarm. I have to get past all the servants and then the guards surrounding the main door. Then I have to cross the patio which has cameras everywhere and then I have to cross all the bulky men guarding the front gate, which is like half a kilometer from the main door. How do I do it? Muruga, please help me!

A soft knock on the door brought me back to reality. Who might this be? Is it my father or that jerk Karan? No, I don't want to face either of them now. They will easily detect that something is not right. Whoever it is, knocked on the door one more time, and a meek whisper came, "Sanjana it is me". I heaved a relieved sigh and got up to open the door. A scared Ranjani ma was standing outside, twisting her shawl in her fingers. "Ranjani ma come in", I opened the door wide for her to get in. She looked behind her and got inside then locked the door immediatelyas if someone is chasing her. She leaned on the door and held her chest that is heaving up and down. "Ranjani ma are you alright?", I placed my hand on her shoulder but she flinched away.

"Ma it is me. Don't worry", I rubbed her arms and made her look at me. She looks so afraid and her face is pale, like she has seen a ghost. After she had gathered herself, she held my hands in hers. "Sanjana ma. I know you are confused. But you have to get out of here very soon. Or else he might do something terrible. I am afraid he has already planned something drastic to screw your life kanna. Now don't waste any more time, take that folder with you and get out of here.", she said with eyes full of concern and fear. "Ma are you sure?", I asked her, because she looks so pale and her hands are shivering. "Don't worry about me. I will be alright. After all I have spent years here. I can manage. You should go out. You go to your friends and give the folder to a lawyer, he will help you", she said and hugged me.

Yes, I was right. I have to get out of here to get my answers. But how do I get out of here? As if sensing my inner turmoil, she pulled away and held my face in her hands. "Kanna, you should get out of here at midnight. There won't be servants or guards present inside the house at that time. Even sir will not be here today. So, pack your necessary things and be ready. I will get you out of here till the gate", she said and kissed my forehead. She is an awesome woman. I can never repay her for her love and kindness. "Thank you Ranjani ma", I meant it from my heart. She just gave me a small smile, "This is the least I can do to ease my guilt kanna", she said with a faraway look in her eyes. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but she just shook her head, "You will come to know about everything very soon", she said and with a final hug, she was out the door and descending the stairs, two at a time.

After waiting for three hours, in my room, I am now ready to get the hell out of this big ass mansion, once and for all. Two soft knocks on the door brought my attention to it. It must be Ranjani ma, the two knocks are our secret signal. That means there is no one at the house and I can finally go. Jumping up from the bed, taking cautious steps towards the door, I slowly opened it and peeked one eye outside. Ranjani ma is standing there with a torch light flashing in her hands. "Kanna, are you ready?", she whispered. I nodded my head and arranged the straps of my back pack. I looked at my shoelaces to see if they are tight, because you never know when they will loosen and when you will trip.

She slowly ushered me out the door, and we descended down the stairs, without making any sound. I am very cautious to not make any sounds, afraid that I might wake someone up. I held the railing in a tight grip and slowly put my feet down one by one. We passed the living room on our way, but instead of going to the main door, like I thought we would, Ranjani ma held my hand and dragged me to a far corner of the mansion. "Ma what are we doing here?", I whispered as I looked around the place to confirm that we are not being watched by someone. "Kanna this is a secret pathway. It is only rarely used by anyone here. It is less risky and it connects you to the back door, where there are no cameras present. So, we are going to take it", she said and took the nearby flower vase from the table and put it down. She then pressed a button that is kept hidden in the place of the vase and a door that resembled a wall opened, without making any sound.

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