Chapter - 38

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We pulled apart only when we were out of breath, and glanced into each other's eyes. I have always liked everything about him, but his eyes are the most fascinating thing about him. It expresses what he keeps hidden inside his heart, locking everything within himself, from joy to sorrow. But his eyes are a secret door that opens only for me to read what is buried deep behind those hazel obscurity. He kissed my forehead and I buried my face in the crook of his neck, the safest place in the whole world for me. I snuggled into his warmth and let the blissful warm feeling take over me and it soon wrapped around my heart like a thick blanket giving my soul a refreshing feeling.

"Babe, what are you thinking?", he asked while he caressed my hair. I lifted my head up from my safe haven and smiled at him. "Nothing", I shrugged my shoulders and snuggled more into him. "Sleepy?", he questioned to which I just shook my head. He chuckled and sat up with me in his arms. "Let us get you to bed", he mumbled and gestured for me to stand up. I complied and stood up rather clumsily. He supported me with a hand on my waist and steadied me. "Careful", he chided me in a gentle voice, but I wound my arms around his neck and reached up to kiss his forehead.

I don't know what has gotten into me. But I found myself kissing his eyes, nose, cheeks, his jaw and the corner of his mouth. "Sanjana", I looked up from his lips to see him looking at me with hooded eyes. He shook his head asking me to stop, but his eyes spoke an altogether different story. I grinned at him and placed a soft kiss near his throat. His grip around my waist tightened and he growled. I enjoyed how affected he is of me and kissed him from his neck to his jaw and finally came to his lips. I have always seen love in his eyes, but this time there was a tinge of lust in them. He was trying his best to control it, but all of it broke free when I pressed my lips to his softly. His grip on my waist tightened even more.

He had his eyes shut tight, and the vein on his temple throbbed. I giggled when I saw him trying to control himself, but I guess I made a wrong move. The sound of my laughter broke him out of his trance, and he snapped his eyes open. I saw a different emotion in them, it was so raw that it over whelmed me. I gulped audibly and tried to create some distance between us. That minor move made him angry, he pulled me towards him by my waist and I crashed into his chest.

His eyes narrowed into slits and I shivered at the intensity of that raw emotion in them. He gripped my jaw and whispered dangerously, "This is not how you do it" before he crashed his lips with mine, knocking me out of breath in the process. His kiss was urgent yet so passionate, it was like he wanted to convey all his unspoken thoughts through his kiss and I was surprised to find myself reciprocating with equal intensity and our tongues clashed for dominance. He lifted me up from the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist for support.

I felt him move forward, but paid no heed to it as my full concentration was on him and the kiss. I pulled away breathless only to see Arjun kicking the door shut with his feet before locking it. We are in a room! How did we come here? He put me down gently on the bed and climbed on top of me. Before I had time to react, he started kissing me again, while his impatient hands roamed everywhere on my body. He poured all his feelings into that kiss and I kissed him back with equal fervor. It was like we can't get enough of each other through the kiss and he explored every part of my body with his hands, while I roamed my hands lazily around his back feeling his muscles.

He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes, while we both struggled to catch our erratic breath. He moved away some hair that was covering my face and joined his forehead with mine. "Are you sure?", he asked me in a breath less whisper. I saw hunger in his eyes, he was trying his best to control himself, but he was hanging on a lose thread, I could feel it. Even though he was dying to take me, he considered me his first priority, that thought itself gave me immense happiness and I nodded my head in a yes. it is not like we have never been intimate, but we have never taken it to the next level. But I want us to be one in all the aspects. I trust him with my life, this man is the first ever one, who has got me to be head over heels in love with him and my love for him will never fade away, irrespective of the time and situation.

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