Chapter - 30

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It has already been a month since our little talk on the roof top and things have been going pretty much happy and normal for me. I feared that Ani would be angry after hearing that he likes me, but to my surprise she took the news so happily and jumped up and down on my bed, causing it to nearly break and my side of the room was filled with dirt from that ages old bed. She squealed so loud and hugged me, like there is no tomorrow. 'I knew it. That brainless moron liked you right from the beginning. But he was being so harsh on himself and rejected his true feeling. But I knew he will come around', these were her exact words.

She was so happy that she threw a party for the whole gang in our favorite restaurant, saying that we should celebrate a saint turning into a lover boy. Seriously, I tried telling her he likes me not loves me. But she would not listen to me, saying that one day her dream would come true. Deep down I too wished to experience his love. But I knew I had no such thing as luck in my life and my hopes would soon die, when he finds a better girl than me.

All our other friends too reacted the same as Anika. Rob was the happiest among them, saying that he would get some much-needed time to spend with his girl, because his dumbo friend has chosen someone else to pester. But we all knew how strong of a bond they shared and I was happy to have such people in my life. As for Rob, he spends all his time with Ani except night time. If permitted he would have shifted to her room long ago.

Hari and Shrey have progressed in their relationship too. They have become official and had gone on another date. But what bothers me the most is we two girls, Shrey and I have become the talk of our table during lunch and even dinner. They would tease us to death and I felt myself losing my patience quite sometimes with all their tease. Arjun has been protective when it comes to his friends' endless teasing and warned them off with his signature glare. But at dinner, he could not save me, resulting in the guys teasing me till I was fully red from head to toe.

I had joined my dance class two days after his confession and became busy with the upcoming competition. He too became busy as he is the lead guitarist for the competition. This guy never ceases to amaze me, first a boxer and now a guitarist. We have been going on about our regular schedule, but he would somehow find time to spend with me after our classes and I kind of started falling into the routine of meeting him everyday after class that I get disappointed if I don't get to spend some quality time with him, like now.

I don't know what is happening to me or what is conspiring between us? It is just that I like being with him, and the power of feelings that bloom in my heart whenever he is with me almost scares me. I don't know what he thinks of me or what am I to him other than his supposed girlfriend as the college rumours sprout. I have never given importance to my feelings after those horrible years, or so I thought. But he brings the most extreme things out of me, be it happiness or anger. I am scared of the feeling that is budding in my heart and my inability to shut it even after trying so many times.

I don't want him to be close to my heart, because nobody had ever gone there. At the same time, I don't want him to be away from me, it hurts like hell if I am unable to talk to him. What the heck is this guy doing to me? I have heard my friends talking about love, but I could not decipher how they let another person inside their heart without any caution and how crazy they could get for their lovers. Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about Arjun other than that he is a good soul and he helps everyone, yet I can't bring myself to doubt him in anyway. Is this what people call as love? Having immense trust and hope in someone you don't even completely know.

If it is love then I think I am in love with him. But what about him? He is totally out of my league and I don't even understand why he likes me or what he even sees in me. But when I look into that mysterious eyes of him, I know all the words he says about me are true and he means every syllable in it.

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