Chapter - 43

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I was walking along the lonely lanes of a deserted street, following the swishing wind to guide me to my unknown destination. My surrounding looked dark and desolate, like it had stayed haunted for years under the screwing gaze of darkness, yet I found the place comfortable. The blowing cool breeze brought a warm feeling inside my chest and it urged me to move forward and I complied. I could not see anything in the darkness, but I did not trip on anything, nor did I see anything, I just kept on walking. That is until I heard a shrill scream coming from somewhere deep inside the place. I could not differentiate if it were a male's scream or a female's but it was so desperate and painful. I halted in my steps and put a hand over my drumming heart.

I gulped and started walking towards the place where the scream came from and clutched my pants with my hands, when I heard another scream echoing around me, this time almost tearing my ear buds. I gulped hard and fastened my steps. The surrounding did not seem comfortable anymore. The breeze that blew around me, needled my bone with its chilling pressure and froze my mind. I could not think of anything, all I could think about was the scream. I continued walking and almost reached the far corner of the dark street when a pair of bizarre deep brown eyes, came flashing in front of me. They looked bloodshot red and furiously looked at me. "Go back now", a familiar deep voice shouted around me and I fell down due to the impact. The eyes looked at me as if challenging me to cross it.

When I did not budge, "I said go back", the voice roared at me. I flinched and closed my eyes. The air around me grew thicker and I could feel a dark force approaching me. I screwed my eyes shut and waited for whatever it is that is coming to come to me. But before I could see what was coming my way, I opened my eyes to witness a bright wave of sunlight piercing through my dark life and sat up in my bed. I squinted my eyes and shielded them from the sunshine, that was peeking inside my room from the open window. I controlled my hammering heart and worked to get my breath back to normal. God, why am I always getting dark dreams? it would have been better if it were somewhere bright and full of color like a rose garden. But I got a new dream after almost three months. That is a good thing, even if it were scarier than any other dreams. That was when I heard the ring tone of my mobile, coming from somewhere under the bedsheet.

I found it under my pillow and the fancy screen flashed Shrey's name. I controlled my breath and swiped the answer icon up as I got down from the bed. "Hey Sana are you there yet?" she asked me in her excited voice. What has got her so excited so early in the morning? That was when I took a glance at my bed side clock. It showed 11:30 in the morning. So, it is not early morning after all. Staying up late last night and talking about the good old days with my friends is so good an idea, if I get to wake up late in the morning. "Where?", I asked her as I combed my frizzy hair away from my face. "Don't tell me you forgot today is the wedding?" she exclaimed in an over dramatic voice. "Drama queen", I rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath. "No no I very well remember that today is the wedding" I replied even when I totally did not remember it till two minutes ago. Well, you can't expect me to remember everything just after waking up from a nightmare, but she does not have to know.

"Then you should also remember that we girls planned to go to a parlor to get ready for the wedding", she told me in a duh tone almost mockingly, very well knowing that I would have forgotten it. "Yes, see you down in ten", I mumbled and cut the call. She said only girls planned to go there right, then why should I? 'Sanjana you idiot, you are also a girl so go down and get ready', my mind shouted at me. I bit my tongue and scrambled inside the bathroom to do my morning deeds and got ready and flew down with the help of the lift. All I could think about was the pair of brown eyes commanding me to go back. They looked scary but also gave me an odd comfort. When I looked at the closed metal doors of the lifts, those eyes came flashing in front of me. 'Stop thinking about it Sanjana', I chided myself and kicked the thought to the back of my mind.

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