Chapter - 23

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I totally did not expect him to walk me to my class, but here I was following him, walking slowly behind him, looking at his firm back and rigid shoulders. I don't know what has suddenly gotten into my mind, but I found this guy attractive. This could be because he saved me from them or the fact that I have not met anyone like him in all my life. He did not speak much to me, just signaled for me to follow him. God what am I even thinking? I am here to study and accomplish my dreams and get a deserving position for myself in this lonely world, not to look at guys.

I kept walking behind him, while talking to myself, and as a result I straightly ran into his back when he suddenly stopped. My poor nose, it hurts badly, what is he, a wall? I was rubbing my nose when I was being dragged near the actual wall, by none other than the mighty Arjun. "Watch where you are going", he warned me in his deep voice and that is when I noticed a group of guys skating through the corridors passing me. "Thank you", I said in a small voice. God what has happened to my loud voice that happened to shout at Gayu all the time.

I noticed myself leaning on the wall for support, while he leaned closer to me, with a hand on my left arm. I looked up at him from my position, to see him looking at me already, with an unreadable expression lingering in his beautiful black orbs, beautiful? Seriously, Sanjana. I could not even look away from his eyes, they were so mesmerizing and they held mine captive. He had his head down to look at me and that made his hair fall on his forehead, and curse me if I did not find it adorable. I wanted to get close to him in a way I have never wanted, and that scared the hell out of me.

He kept looking or rather staring into my eyes, like he found something very intriguing in them and leaned extremely closer that I found myself struggling to breathe. He did not show any sign of retreating back and I felt too light headed to push him away from me. He had his eyes trained on my mouth and I had a very hard time controlling my breath because of that. I attempted to push him away, by keeping a hand on his chest, but damn this guy is so huge, he did not budge. When I put some more effort into pushing his chest, he jerked away as if he had been hit by lightning and walked back creating a decent gap.

Dear Muruga, what was that? I concentrated on controlling my ragged breath and looked up at him to find the place he stood earlier to be vacant, because of his sudden departure. I felt thankful that he had left, but I also felt terrible for not being able to see him, now. I did not know why he left without even saying anything. Geez, what the hell is happening to me? I can't let my heart decide for me, when I have a very big goal to achieve. I was partly sad because, who will show me my classroom now? I was looking at the busy corridor filled with students, trying to figure out whom to ask for help, when I felt a tap on my right shoulder.

"Hey, I see that you have already found our class?", Shreya said and looked at something above my head. That was when I noticed the big board hanging on top of the wall of the class which was adjacent to me. Thank god, no one was inside the class. If they saw what happened outside a while ago, I don't even want to think about the consequences. I will be doomed forever, if MM comes to know about it. I just nodded my head at Shreya and together we entered the class and waited for the others to come. I remembered with a jolt that I have not thanked him yet for saving me in the morning.

Soon after, other students started coming in and we introduced ourselves to the master when he arrived with a sweet lady towing behind him. That lady introduced herself as the head of the fine arts department and she introduced the dance master to us. Our master's name is Mr. Dhruv Dutt and he is an extremely talented man for his age. He just looked like he is in his mid-twenties, but he possessed great skills. He knew about all the different genres and he even specialized in ballet. I felt very lucky to have joined here and I knew that I had taken the right decision for once in my life.

Our first class with the dance master flew by so fast that we were only done with the introduction when the bell rang and I was thinking about looking for a job in any one of the nearby cafés when our master called me. "Sanjana, come here please", he summoned me and I nervously walked to the front while hoping that I have not done anything to avert my dance master. "You don't need to feel all shy and nervous, just relax. I am not going to eat you alive", he joked in hope of lightening my mood and I nervously chuckled at him.

"Guys, I am currently looking for an assistant to look after the class in my absence. I have decided that Sanjana will be suitable for that after seeing her perform on the stage today.", he announced to the class and I was shocked to even react. "Don't worry it is only small work like filling papers and locking the classroom every day. I will give you a reasonable salary so chill out", he encouraged me to say yes and I nodded my head at him. It looked like some of the students did not approve of master's decision, but who cares about it. My main concern was to look for a job that could suit my college hours, to earn for my personal needs.

I smiled at Shreya when she hugged me, genuinely happy that I have got a job and together, we went back to the dorm room after a while and I could not stop the traitorous smile that kept sneaking out then and there, when I thought about what happened in the class today. Shreya sensed my happy mood and lightly nudged me with her shoulder and asked, "You look so happy today. Did you see someone who caught your interest?" there goes my happy mood. Albeit she asked it as a rhetorical question just to tease me, I felt my mind going back to the corridor and thinking about that hazel-eyed wall of a man. "Don't tell me you saw someone today", she asked me in her fake shocking tone. I just shook my head while smiling at her and asked her, "By the way where were you during lunch? I tried to find you but I could not."

At the mention of lunch she looked slightly flustered that left me confused, but she quickly covered it with her vibrant smile and said, "No I was just looking for some friends, I had my lunch outside with my uncle, who came to see me" I could clearly sense a green lie in her words, but I did not want to force her into telling me so just left it at that. Soon we reached the second floor and I asked her to join me at the dining hall and went towards my room to get some rest, but all of that flew out of the window when I saw a rather angry Anika sitting on my bed.

She got up from her place as soon as she saw me and patiently waited for me to close the door behind me. I just gave her a small smile, already guessing what is running on her mind, but chose to keep quiet. She saw me keeping my bag on my table and watched me taking out my pajamas to change. I could feel her piercing gaze even after I came out of the bathroom, but I still ignored her. Having enough of my behavior she marched towards me and turned me towards her by grabbing my shoulder. "I know what you are doing. Don't even try to skip this talk", she said angrily and I had no other way than to come clean to her.

"I know you are concerned about me, but everything is taken care of. So, chill", I told her in a soft voice and it looked like she believed me now. She just nodded her head and gave me a comforting hug and I felt grateful to have her as my roommate. "You don't have to worry about anything, I will be there for you to lean on. You can always talk to me about anything", she said and I nodded my head happy that I befriended her.

"By the way, I came to know about something else too, but let's talk about it after dinner. Come on I am starving to death", she said with an over dramatic sigh and dragged me outside with her. I laughed at her childish antics and went towards the dining hall after texting Shreya to join us from her room on the third floor.     


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