Chapter - 24

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We waited for Shreya to join us and I introduced her to Anika, when she came down. As always that little bomb shell managed to impress Shreya with her carefree attitude and they got along well. I was so happy to have chosen them as my friends and Anika again dragged us to her favorite table by the large window and I was happy and also shocked to find Raksha, Robert and Varun sitting at the table. Robert waved his hand at me with a cheesy smile and a flirtatious wink.

I looked at Anika to find her smiling at me and gave her an apologetic smile. "Don't mind him he is always like that", she whispered in my ear and giggled. It looked like they have solved their issues and were back to being the love birds that Raksha described about. I waved my hand back at them and soon we joined them at the table with our respective food trays in hand. They seemed too good to be true, but that might just be my over reacting brain running at 100 miles per hour. "I am sorry for the misunderstanding that took place in the canteen guys", I apologized to both Anika and Robert, but they just shrugged it off.

I introduced Shreya to them and she shyly smiled at them. The guys made a sound "ooooh' when they saw her, but refused to elaborate. I found myself looking for Arjun and got irritated when I did not find him in the mess. "A and Harry are day scholars while we are hostelers. So, he won't come here. Stop looking for him and start eating", Robert said and I found myself getting redder by the passing minute. "I did not look for anyone", I defended myself in a bold voice. They got amused looking at me and started laughing. "If you say so", Varun said in between his cackling.

I frowned at my plate and started eating without concentrating whatever talk they were carrying on after that, I certainly don't like being accused at. So, their observation left me quite irritated. I suddenly felt someone pinching my arm and I lifted my head to look at Anika who was looking at me with wide angry eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?", she asked me and I looked at her perplexed. "What are you talking about?", I voiced my confusion and looked at Shreya when she said that she told them about me getting a job as our master's assistant.

"Well I was planning on telling you guys after dinner.", I lied through my teeth, because I totally forgot about it. Anika looked like she did not believe me but did not press it further. I glared at Shreya for even saying it to them, because I wanted to surprise them. But I lost my excitement when I found that I was not going to see him tonight. "Congrats Sanjana, because not every one can manage to get in the good books of that grumpy dance master. But you managed to do so. We have to celebrate it tomorrow, so we will be going out for lunch tomorrow", Robert announced and I quickly shook my head.

I did not want to bother them. "No, you don't have to do such things, I don't want to bother you guys Robert.", I said in a matter of fact tone. "No way, we are going and that is final", he said and looked at me for an answer. But I refused to accept, so he said, "If you consider us as your friends, you have to come", he said in a serious tone and I had to agree when I saw all of them looking at me with hope in their eyes. "Call me Rob, from now on", he said and I nodded at him.

"You guys can call me Sana.", I said to them. "My best friend calls me Sana. So, I want you guys to call me that instead of Sanjana", I added when they looked puzzled at me. Raks winked at me while the other guys laughed out heartily after hearing my reply. I found myself enjoying their company so much that we forgot that everyone had left the mess and it was time for us to get back to our rooms, if we did not want to be late for our classes the next day.

We were talking about each other, so we did not know when the time flew away. I got to know about all their families and in return I told them about myself. They did not look at me differently when I told them that I was an orphan. They gave me a warm smile and continued talking. I got to know that Robert is from California, while Anika is from Delhi. Varun is from Coimbatore while Sindhu is from Mysore. We had so much fun getting to know each other.

We all wished good night for the guys as they have to go to the north building. Rob invited Shreya to join us for lunch tomorrow. She hesitated first, but eventually agreed when Anika persuaded her. We all waved our hands at them and turned around to leave, when Rob kissed Anika's cheek and ran away grinning like a fool. Shreya and I looked at each other, Raks closed Shreya's opened mouth and said, "It is normal when you hang out with love birds. So get used to it"

We finally walked towards our respective rooms after wishing good night to both Raks and Shreya. All the way to the room, Anika did not even utter a single word. All she did was blush and she bent her head in embarrassment, when Raks kissed her other cheek. God, finally this girl can be quiet for a while thank heavens for that. "Good night Ani", I said to her upon reaching our room and went towards my side. "What you want to sleep now? You can't get away that easily", she said in a warning tone and sat in the middle of my single bed.

What is she talking about? "You still have to explain to me what you were doing with Arjun outside your dance class.", she said in a sassy tone when I looked at her in confusion. My eyes widened on their own accord and she smirked at me when she saw my reaction. "I got suspicious when I saw two people standing there. I was not sure it was you two or not. But your reaction says it all", she flipped her hair and raised her eyebrows at me.

Way to embarrass yourself dear Sana, I scolded myself and sat on the bed. "What were you two doing? You seemed pretty close, when I saw you from the garden", she asked me and hugged her knees and placed her chin on it, as if getting ready to hear a story. "It is not what you think it is", I said trying to buy some time. She gave me a look that said, 'how cliché?' What do I even tell her, I like your friend's black orbs very much, so I just looked into his eyes? I opened my mouth to tell her, but closed it again.

Just spill it out Sana, my brain encouraged me, and I did just that. "Well, we were walking to my dance class, and he saved me from the skating guys. That is it, nothing else", I said and prayed to Muruga that she should not ask any further questions. "Oh, I see. Any way you two looked good together", she said and my eyes bulged out. "Where did you go in the middle of lunch hour?", I asked her trying to shift the topic away from me, and I succeeded in it.

She looked all flustered and started picking at the loose threads of the blanket. "Is our madam blushing?", I teased her. "Just stop it ok. We had a small fight and he tried to convince me when I went out angry that he was talking to you instead of me", she said and giggled like a small kid. "Oh, ok. Now I understand where that tiny mark on your neck came from and that locket too", I said pointing towards her neck and she threw a pillow at me to shut me up.

"Arjun is a very nice guy you know", she said when our laughter died down. Ok where did that come from? I looked at her perplexed and she said, "I was just stating the facts", she simply shrugged her shoulders and began inspecting her perfectly manicured nails. Why do I feel like she is planning something and I would not like the consequences of it? It is ok, she might be thinking something else too. I am a fool to even doubt her genuineness. I wished her good night and got ready to sleep. Let us hope for a good tomorrow. 



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