Chapter - 28

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It has been four days since that incident and I have not gone out of my dorm for two reasons. One is that, I don't want to be the object of people's criticism and the second is that I did not know how Arjun will react if and when I express my gratitude to him. Last time when I said thanks, he shouted at me to stay away from him and that nearly got the attention of the whole canteen.

The news of Akhilesh's arrest and the following inquiry spread inside the college like a wild fire and almost every one knew me now, and not for a good reason. Some were looking at me with pity in their eyes and the others were looking at me like I was some celebrity open for gossip, when I went to the Principal's office for the police inquiry.

I had to beg Mrs. Linda John to not tell MM about the incident. She was reluctant at first, but when I said that it might affect her health and also my studies, she agreed. I did not even tell Gayu about it, if I by any chance tell her, she would be furious. I have not gone to my classes yet, as my wounds have not healed completely. I had got a generous number of scratches and wounds on my right side and also sprained my ankle. Thank fully I did not end up with broken bones.

Ani has been taking care of me like a small child and I get irritated by her behavior sometimes. She would not even let me go to the bathroom alone. She stayed with me for the first two days, but I did not want her to miss her classes, so I black mailed her that I would not take my medicines if she did not attend her classes, she was furious but surrendered eventually. Now I am sitting in my room, gazing at the window with nothing to do, except looking at the birds sitting on a tree that was quite far from my room.

When I was looking at random people, I saw Arjun talking with someone who looked big and had a kind of intimidating aura around them. What is he doing here? Does he not have any class? No one comes to this part of the building during class hours. I heard that he also suffered a fair number of injuries after fighting the goons and he had also taken leave. Did his wounds heal completely? Has he even rested? I instantly became worried. But I can't ask anyone, as I don't want them to know that I am concerned about him.

But what is he doing here? I can see a bruise on his left cheek and his right shoulder does not good either. He is also walking slowly. He has not healed completely then why did he come to college? Oh god, what is happening to me? I am scanning him from head to toe and I know his right arm pains because he would walk like he owns the damn college and his arms would be stiff and straight not slouched like right now. I have seen him walk around the campus and observed him enough to differentiate between pain and pride. Albeit, I acted as if he does not exist, I have been observing him like a secret stalker and I even know what perfume he uses, crazy right. But what do you expect from a girl who has a crush on him?

There, I have accepted it. I have been trying hard to make myself believe that I don't like him, but I know my traitorous heart has cheated me and taken his side, even when I clearly know he won't even spare a single glance at me. But our heart does not work by the mechanism drawn out by our brain to avoid any unwanted collision with some human walls right. It goes on its own escapade and we end up following it, hopelessly. All I am praying now is that he should continue being arrogant and grumpy towards me, so it will be easy for me to move on from that stupid crush.

I looked at him for sometime and took my medicine and then slept like a good girl, like Ani had asked me to be. I am planning on joining my classes form tomorrow and I don't want to cross her words, or she would go straight to the principal and extend my unwanted leave.

I successfully convinced my friends that I am perfectly alright and I am all ready to go back to Mr. BM's class now. It was so hard to convince them especially Raks. But Shrey somehow convinced her by saying that she would be with me all the time. I am waiting for Ani to distance herself from that damn mirror for almost half an hour. But it does not look like she will come any time soon. "Ani this is your last warning. Come with me now or I am leaving", I told her in my irritated voice and headed straight to the door.

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