Chapter - 20

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The cab arrived exactly after five minutes of the booking and I was very much thankful for that. When I was in college all these facilities were not popular in India, making it very hard and dangerous for the girls to travel at night. I gave the address to the cab driver and sat in the back seat and rested my head on the opened window to let some fresh breeze wash off the anxiety that started building up inside me. I suddenly became anxious for no reason.

I have always been afraid to travel at night, after the life changing incident three years ago, for the dark night only reminded me of my torn life that cannot be put back together, until all the puzzles are solved. I did not want to focus on anything after his departure from my life. I drowned myself in the heart wrenching sorrow and left this city for good. I did not want to involve myself in any of the legal matter.

But looking back at the past now, I realize that I have done a huge mistake, by walking away rather than demanding for the answers. I should have at least tried to solve the puzzle, instead of running away from it. I was so broken and felt betrayed by everything that I did not focus on anything other than the excruciating pain in my heart. I just acted on my instincts and nodded my head for everything that was said by Mother Maria.

I don't know why, but when I told her about my visit to India, she sounded worried and even panicked. When I asked her about it, she just brushed it off, saying that it is a motherly concern. But I have known Mother for more than twenty years. I can differentiate between her lies and truth. I for one reason, definitely know that she was lying to me when she said that she was worried about my studio, when I informed her about my trip.

But my question is that why would Mother lie to me. I know for sure that she only means good, but her strange behavior, since I came back is the thing that is bothering me. She started calling me frequently and asked so many weird questions, about my whereabouts and even asked whom all I have met recently. Why would she suddenly want to know about my whereabouts, when she was in Chennai and I in Bangalore.

I am both intrigued and irritated by her behavior. She was not this concerned even when I was in London. She would only call me when she was free and she never asked about my whereabouts. When I asked Sister Stella about it, she said that Mother has been acting strangely after an unannounced visit of a young man. I asked her about the man, but they did not even have his name as he was not a regular nor did he sign the register.

I have to go to Chennai after Ani's wedding, to talk to Mother about it. She can avoid me all she wants, but she has to answer me when I look at her in the eye and ask her. I even saw the CCTV footage of that day with the help of Stella sister, but I could not see the guy clearly as he had worn a baseball cap to cover his face. Something is really fishy here, I have to find it soon.

I was absorbed in my thoughts when the car came to a sudden halt, with an annoying screeching sound. I moved forward and hit my head in the back of the front seat due to the force. "What happened Anna?", I asked the middle-aged cab driver. He looked at me with a perplexed expression and scratched the back of his head. "I don't know madam, let me check", he answered me and got out of the car and opened the bonnet to check for any fault.

I rubbed my forehead to lessen the pain, so much for lying about having a headache, I scolded myself and opened the door to get some fresh air. I walked towards the driver and stood next to him, and looked at the opened bonnet. But I could not even differentiate between a red wire and a black wire. Everything was so dark, 'if you had light, would you have found out the problem, genius mechanic?', my brain mocked me.

I exhaled loudly and looked at the driver for an answer. "I don't know what happened madam, but it might take a while to get the car ready. I would suggest you to book another cab", he said in a sad yet professional voice. To hell with my luck. Where would I find a cab at this time of the day. Even my phone ditched me. I forgot to charge my phone, and now it is dead. Arghh, what am I going to do now?

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