Chapter - 2

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I was arranging the music system when I heard a loud and cheerful laughter accompanied by loud thuds of boots climbing up the stairs. I know who that laugh belongs to. It is the eight-year-old girl named Alisa who became my motivator with her pure and angelic smile. She was just five years old when I came here, but the joy she spreads has no limits. She is the youngest of all my students yet she does such gracious and perfect moves like she has been dancing for years. I see my younger self in her. But my reason for choosing dance as my career at such a young age differs so much from her. She sees dance as a tool to express her joy and happiness, whereas I saw that as a therapy that saved me from myself.

Her laughter became even more loud as she entered the studio, her mom was chasing her and she came inside running like an athlete and directly landed on me. God, the energy of this girl. I fell on my back due to the force with her on top of me and we both were laughing like maniacs when her mom reached us. "Alisa, say sorry to your teacher", her mom admonished her. "Sorry not sorry, Sanju", saying this she pecked my cheek and ran inside the dressing room to prepare for her rehearsals. She is the only one in the whole of London, who has a nick name for me, a nick name that reminds me of someone who is so dear to my heart. "I am so sorry mam; she can be so much sometimes. I have told her so many times not to call you by your name, but she never listens", she scolded her daughter lovingly in her not so British accent as she gave me a hand and helped me get up. "No problem, Mrs. Iyer", I told her and she left the studio after giving instructions to Alisa. I have never had a mother, so I don't know how it feels to get scolded by mom or how great it would be to sleep on her lap.

All the students arrived right on time and the class started like any other day, but the only one who is missing is my assistant Krishna. This guy does not even know how to spell punctuality, lazy ass. As I was correcting the moves of thirteen-year-old Matt, he bursted inside the studio mumbled an inaudible sorry and went in to look after some students who were getting ready for an upcoming competition. The nerve of this guy. He has to know who is the boss here, but I can't give him a piece of mind in front of the students, as that might be insulting to him.

I had no time to scold him as we had classes scheduled back to back and he might be thinking that I have forgiven him for his little act of tardiness, but he does not know how wrong he is. The classes closed way beyond the usual time as we only have a few days left for the upcoming competition. Krish came to me as Alisa kissed me goodbye and went running into the arms of her awaiting mom. "Such a lovely kid, isn't she?", he asked me as he waved his hands towards Alisa who waved back with so much energy and a bright smile as if she had not danced for hours. "Why were you late, again?", I came straight to the point, just to avoid his bullshit sweet talk, this guy can be too much sometimes. "Oh, was I late? I don't think so", he answered as if being late by one hour isn't such a big deal. "You were late by an hour, Krish. Don't try to act smart. I have warned you so many times, yet you repeat the same act again and again", I tried to scold him, but failed miserably when he gave me his world-famous boyish smile. I love that smile so much. It automatically brings a smile on your face too.

He is an Anglo-Indian born in West London. He is handsome with brown hair and blue eyes and has the kind of aura that compels you to be friends with him. I met him in a dance competition two years ago and we have been best friends since then. He knows everything about me, still he chose to be with me and he is trying his best to heal my wounded soul, but some wounds can never be healed. He scratched the back of his neck, he only does that when he is nervous, a trait that reminds me of my Arjun. "Well, Sana I told you that I like this guy who shifted to my neighborhood a few months ago, right", he asked me and I nodded my head to encourage him, "well, he asked me out last night and I said yes", he told me shyly. "You are saying you were late today morning, because you were on a date", I asked him to confirm what he is saying and I could not contain my excitement when he nodded his head. I jumped on him and hugged him while I shouted congratulations on his ear. "Argh Sana are you trying to turn me deaf? and you are acting as if you're the one who is in a relationship", he shouted back as he put me down.

He bit his tongue as if realizing that he had done a mistake. He tried to apologize but the damage is already done. All the happiness I felt for him was replaced by sadness and loneliness when he mentioned about my relationship. "God, I am a complete jerk. I am so sorry Sana", he had such a sad look on his face that I forced a smile and told him not to worry and went to lock all the doors. Something clicked inside my mind as I locked the main door, I turned towards him and he was looking at the concrete floor. "Hey dummy, did you say something called relationship a while ago?", he nodded his head. "But you said that he only asked you out yesterday, then how is that possible?", I was confused. He blushed hard and ducked his head to avoid looking at me. 

"He asked me if I would be his boyfriend", he mumbled still looking down. "And what did you say?", I literally shouted at him. "Hmmm, I said yes", he shrugged his shoulders like it didn't mean anything. "Oh My God, you said yes to him on the first date itself, you never say yes to anyone so easily that too on the first date. Do you love him? I want to meet him right now", I jumped up and down like a little girl. He never really goes on dates, afraid of some stupid people whose only job is to criticize others. He was ashamed of his sexuality. He hesitated so much even to talk about it two years back. But I supported him and encouraged him that it is natural and he has nothing to be ashamed of. He slowly came out of his shell and became more open about his sexuality. Thankfully his parents support him in everything he does and they have no problem in their son being gay. He is blessed to have such lovely parents; they even treat me like their own daughter.

"Chill my dumbo chill, I will tell you all about him", he put a hand on my shoulder and together we strode under the night sky. We walked for ten minutes and he did not even utter a single word. I patiently waited for him to open up, but he showed no signs of doing that. "Are you going to tell me about him or not?", I stopped him in the middle of a sidewalk. "Sana I am trying to turn my feelings into words here. Have some patience, please", he pleaded. "You of all the people should know that patience is not one among my virtues, Krish", I told him and started to walk away. "Please, Sana", he stopped me by holding my hand. We walked in comfortable silence after that and I let him compose his thoughts.

"Sana, I know this is pretty early, but I think I am falling for this guy. He is such a gentleman. He understands me very well and he thinks that we are made for each other, I too think that there is something about him that attracts me towards him. It is not his physical charm, it is in the way he looks at me, it is like his smile has a direct connection to my heart. It literally jumps out of my chest, every time he smiles. I don't know whether we will work out or not, but I just want to give it a try. What do you say?", he looked at me with hopeful eyes. He is definitely in love, because I have felt all those emotions when I was in love.

 "What is there to say my dear dummy boy, you are in love. But I will advice you to take it slow. You have just met him, you both have to understand each other and you should know about his likes and dislikes, only then you can come to a clear conclusion. I am not asking you to ignore your feelings for him, but think well before you act. Don't take too much time to figure out your feelings, if you think that he is the one for you, don't wait for him to approach you", I told him and heaved a dramatic sigh and wiped my fake tears saying, "My boy has grown so much that he has finally found someone for him, I am going to miss you", and then we both burst out laughing. "You won't miss me. I will still come late to the studio and pester you for petty things when you sleep, baby. And by the way, I told him about you and he wants to meet you. I have asked him to come and wait for us in PMJ", he jumped up excitedly as he told me this and we headed to the famous bar to meet my best friend's boyfriend.  


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