Chapter - 58

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We have successfully managed to destroy Raghunath's empire completely. But the prize we had to pay for was my sister's life. I was shocked to the core when I saw her fall down covered in her own blood. But she killed the man who is responsible for all our sufferings as she had promised me that day. She had said, "I will kill him with my own hands if that will bring peace to my family." God I appreciate that girl for her guts and her courage, but she did not have to take such a risk. We would have managed to somehow save Manasi ma. But she put her life at risk to save her mother. I already lost a sister when I was little, now she is lying there covered in a white sheet and a whole lot of wires in the hospital bed.

Aadithya, one of our business partners, arrived at the scene with the police right when Sanjana shot Raghunath. He was beyond shocked when he saw her fall down unconscious. He looked at the verge of breaking down in tears, yet he called for an ambulance quickly. I appreciate his presence of mind. We were all there looking at the shocking scene in front of us, while he was smart enough to call the ambulance. Soon enough the ambulance rushed in and took her away. Now she is lying there fighting for her life.

I saw Aadithya discussing something with the policeman he came with and went to them. When I reached there I saw Sanjana's friend, our college professor Raksha. She was running towards Aadithya. When he saw her, he hugged her and they were whispering something among themselves. I clenched my fist and cleared my throat. She detached herself from him and looked towards the operation theatre. "Raks, don't worry. Nothing is going to happen to her. But how come you are here?", Aadithya asked her in a soft tired voice. She wiped her tears away and cleaned her running nose with her shawl.

"Before they went to Chennai, Sana and I had a talk and we came up with a plan", she said in a low voice all the while looking at the door. Plan? "What plan?", I asked her, Why did I not know of it? "Well I wanted to come with you guys. But she was so adamant. Then I came up with a plan. We decided to fix a button camera on her shirt. I offered to follow you guys, but whatever happens she asked me not to come into the scene. I obliged as it was the only way of helping her. I fixed the camera on her shirt and everything got recorded from the moment she switched it on. I got a live footage of everything happening as I was at a transmittable distance. Here this footage also has Raghunath's confessions. He himself has confessed what heinous crimes he had done. Here is a copy of it Aadarsh bro", she handed the pen drive to the police man.

Wow these girls are smart. "I told her not to take any risk. But she had to be the martyr hero and do it, idiot", she sniffled as she tried to muffle her cries. "It's ok Rakshu, you have done a great job", Aadithya patted her head as she cried on his shoulder. "But I could not save her bhai", she broke down and I could not control myself looking at her tears. "It is ok. We cannot do anything to change the past. She is such a strong girl, she will surely come back to us" I told her gently as I hugged her. Surprisingly she hugged me back and buried her face into my chest. God, it is breaking me to see her in tears. But I could not do anything to stop them as my own heart is aching for my sister.

"Where is Karthik?", she asked once she was able to get her emotions under control. That is when I remembered Karthik did not come with us. Panicked, I looked at Aadithya, "I tried to make him understand, but he was not listening. I think he needs some time", he whispered with his head bent down. He sounded so sad that I wonder what could be behind that façade that he is trying to hide.

Karthik came to the hospital in a short while, looking like a walking dead. His eyes looked extremely sad and red, like he had been crying. His black shirt was sticking to his body as he was fully drenched in the rain. He did not say anything to anyone, just went and sat outside the operation theatre, with his head in his hands. Aadithya, Raksha and I exchanged nervous glances. We don't know what we should do now, go to him and talk or just stay where we are. After a while of pondering we decided on the latter and stayed at our spot.

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