Chapter - 33

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When we got down the stairs everyone was waiting for us, except Aadi and Anya. For some strange reason everyone looked slightly anxious, when they saw me, they became even more anxious. The ever happy and bubbly Rob was also anxious. Without exchanging a single word, we all went out and there stood my boyfriend's first love in all her red glory. The gardener Ram uncle was wiping the dust off the costly and sleek red Harley Davidson with a cloth and he moved away upon our arrival. There stood another car, a black Hyundai, that belonged to Rob.

I have seen his other bikes, a blue Yamaha, a black pulsar and a red apache so many times before. But he will take out his first love only for special occasions, and I wondered what caused him to bring out his metallic love out of the garage. I looked at the non-living thing with slight envy when I saw him looking at it for longer than usual.

Everyone sat inside the car leaving me and Harish outside, I went towards the bike, when Ajju asked Hari to come with him. I thought we were going together. He is being too much today. I huffed and got into the back seat, without exchanging any words with anyone. Everyone seemed to have developed some sudden interest in me today, they all kept looking at me from time to time, it was kind of irritating actually.

I lost my last straw of patience when Rob looked at me through the rear-view mirror, thinking that I am not watching him. "What?", I glared at him through the mirror. He just shook his head and his concentration did not waver from the road, for the rest of the ride. When we reached our destination, Ani gave a light squeeze to my hand and went inside with Raks and Shrey. Rob came with me and suddenly stopped me from entering the huge metal door, that led you inside some indoor stadium, I guess.

"Sana, I know you are tensed. I completely understand you. what you are going to see inside might shock you. But please don't think ill of him or hate him. Even we don't like what he does here, please have some patience. You are the only one who can bring him out of it", he said in a sad voice, which is so unlike him and went inside. I followed him, utterly clueless to what he is saying.

We entered the big metal door, and the guy at the entrance was rather looking at me creepily. I suddenly felt cold and uncomfortable, even with all my friends surrounding me. Raks gave him her best glare and dragged me inside with her. We passed another entrance and now we were in an arena. Most of the seats were already occupied and we moved to a more private and decent area where we could get a good view of the ground.

The ground was covered with flags of various colors and placards were placed all over the place. The ground looked sort of uneven and there was a huge pile of sand dumped in the middle of the ground resembling a foothill. Some guys were doing weird stunts with their bikes and I felt a shiver run down my spine, when I saw a guy no boy driving his bike on a slim track and he did a very high jump with his bike flying above us. For the love of the lord, he looked close to seventeen, it is not even legal.

I looked at the unfamiliar surroundings and got a creepy feeling inside my heart when I saw a group of men enter the ground. They looked so big and each one of them were covered in tattoos, and dressed in black. A man who looked not more than forty, came to the ground and sat on the throne like chair kept near the starting line. He was dressed in a dark green silk shirt and a magenta coat and matching velvet pants and his neck had at least one kilo worth of gold. What is he, a jewelry add model? "Don't look at him", Hari whispered from beside me. When did he come? Where is Ajju? He was with him. But there is no sight of him.

When I opened my mouth to ask Raks what is going on here, I saw a young girl come to the centre of the ground and she wore a dress that was too short for her own good. Some guys were ogling at her, but she did not seem to care. "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. On this pleasant day we are here to witness the most awaited race of the year,", she said through the mike. Race? What race? I don't understand. "Between Tommy from the Dark Devil Gang and...", she gestured to the gold model man and a big guy emerged from behind him all geared up. He must be Tommy. "....Our famous Wing Man from the Beverly Group", she gestured towards someone from another gang that occupied the other side and the person came and stood beside her.

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