Chapter - 16

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I was watching the final rehearsal of the students who are competing in the national level contest when Rob appeared out of nowhere and sat beside me. "Why do you guys keep scaring me for no reason?", I hit his shoulder and scolded him. "what are you watching, that you don't even care about your surrounding?", he asked me completely ignoring my accusation and dragged my laptop towards him. "It is none of your concern", I swatted his hand away and tried to take my laptop, but the living mountain did not budge.

"Wow, these babes are hot. They are dancing like a pro" he whistled looking at the screen and scooted closer to the screen. "idiot they are my students, don't gawk at them like a pervert. They dance well because I train them", I smacked his head and snatched my laptop and shut it close. "I was not gawking at them, I just praised them. I have a pretty fiancé to gawk at", saying this he fanned himself with his huge hands, that too in an air-conditioned room, drama queen.

"I know my friend is pretty, but you don't meet up to her level", I smiled inwardly when I got the reaction I wanted. He glared at me and turned the other way, like a small child. I snickered at his antics and went and sat opposite to him. "My dear brother is sad that he is not as hot as girlfriend, sorry fiancé", I said in a sad voice and air-quoted the word fiance and looked at him. "Ha, I am much hotter than any of her childhood crush", he boasted and I could not control anymore. I cracked up and fell on the couch, laughing my ass off.

He huffed at me and looked at his non-existent wrist watch as if to convey that he is utterly bored, such a drama queen. He and Krish are similar, that is one of the reasons I befriended him when I met him at a dance contest. "Will you stop laughing like a lunatic for no reason?", he asked me in a bored voice and dusted his pants. He is definitely a mood killer. I sobered up and sat straight on the couch. "Ok listen, I am planning a surprise for her. I want your help and don't even think about it in front of her, or else she will definitely find out", he whispered the last part and heaved a dramatic sigh.

I nodded my head like the good old sister that I am and promised him. "What are you planning?", I asked out of curiosity. "I am.... ahem ahem. I think my throat is sore", he told me and I gave him a confused look. That is when I noticed Anika coming towards us from the flat screen tv opposite to me. I understood what he was trying to say and played along, asking him if he needed mint tea, though I knew he hates it.

"What are you two planning?", she asked as if she sneaked in on our conversation from upstairs. Rob looked like he might faint anytime and I looked at her wide-eyed. "What happened to you? Why are you hyperventilating?", she asked him in a concerned voice. No words came out of his mouth, if it goes on like this, she will think that something is fishy. I have to do something. "Nothing dear he said that he has a sore throat. I think he might have caught a cold too", I rescued him and prayed to god that she believes me. He seemed to understand and coughed twice to emphasize my point.

She seemed to buy my lie and that was when I noticed her hand, she was holding a huge shopping bag in her hands. Desperate to change the topic, "What is there in your hand?", I asked her feigning interest. "Yeah, I totally forgot. Here this is for you", she extended the mega bag towards me. "What is in it that it looks so big?", I inquired as I took it from her. "These are the dresses I had purchased for you yesterday." she said and looked at me, expecting me to say something.

"Did you buy the whole damn store?", I could not mask my disbelief. "No stupid, I only bought the dresses you would need for the wedding", she explained and showed me all the dresses. All the while Rob looked at the both of us and smiled at his fiancé who looked extra happy, while explaining about the rituals and suitable dresses for it. They are trying to spoil me very much. Oh god, I might have to carry two additional suitcases when I go back to London.

"Ok try these on when you are free and let me know if you need any alterations" she said and got up to leave, but stopped as she had some afterthought. "Sana, I called Gayathri in the morning and told her that a surprise is awaiting her. You better call her and inform her about your surprise visit, before it is too late", she told me in a sing song voice and ran away. "Argh I have to handle a very angry best friend", I mumbled and heard a deep chuckle. "Don't you dare laugh at me. Help me if you can or just get out of my sight", I shouted at him for no reason.

"Chill, angry bird. I did not call her, it was your best friend who did that, so vent your anger out on her", he raised his hands in surrender and added "it is better if you handle Gayathri by yourself", and got up to leave. "By the way, your students are much more perfect than you", he mocked me and ran towards the balcony. Jerk, I would have given him a piece of mind if I did not have a huge problem to tackle. If there is something in the world I don't like, it is someone pointing out or degrading my talent.

Now I have to call her, it is something I have not done in the last two years. She tried calling me a few times, but I made it clear that I was still angry and did not want to talk to her. But I can't stay angry forever. She had made no mistake, it was me who was not in the right mind that time. I made a vow to never go to Bangalore again, but I broke that for Anika. Now I have to talk to Gayu as it is my mistake and I want to apologize to her. I want to make things right between us, after all she was the only person who was there for me when I had no one in my life.

She had fought all my battles with me and supported me at my low time. She had always been the one to talk first, whenever we had a fight, now it is my turn to break the ice. She might yell at me or worse refuse to even talk to me, but I have to try.

Her one mistake does not change the love I have for her, it does not have the power to break our friendship. I will have to talk to her and explain about my situation. Having made my mind to call her, I took my phone and went to my room as I dialed her number. I changed my number when she tried to call me, but I hope she has not changed hers.

I crossed my fingers and anxiously waited for her to accept my call. Every ring felt like it was ringing for an eternity and with every second my heartbeat rose higher. Sweat beads started to form on my forehead and I wiped it with the back of my hand. 'Relax Sanjana it is just a phone call' I pacified my anxious heart, 'yes just a phone call with your long-forgotten friend' my stupid brain mocked me. 'Shut up you idiot', I scolded my brain. Muruga now I have started talking with myself, I am definitely going insane.

After what felt like an eternity, she answered my call. "Hello", I did not know I would be this happy to hear her voice after a long time. "Hello... may I know who is talking?", she asked me in her signature blank voice and I felt my hands trembling. I so much wanted to cut the call. But I am not a coward to do that, besides I will have to face this situation one time or the other. 'you can do this', I repeated this to myself and cleared my voice.

"Gayu", I called her name after a long time and waited for any response. There is no need to introduce myself, the low whimper I heard from the other side confirmed it. No matter how old we are or how distanced we are, we can recognize each other's voice anytime. I waited for her to respond, even if it is a harsh 'don't call me', but I got nothing in response. Only her crying was heard. "Gayu, Gayu... can you hear me", I asked her in a panicked voice. She might have fainted for all I know.

TO BE CONTINUED........................

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