Chapter - 32

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Two months into the relationship and everything looks quite good so far, which is so unusual for someone like me. But I did not question my fate, why it has not thrown any fire ball at me to destroy my happy moment, I just accepted what it gave me and enjoyed it to the fullest, like the naïve girl I am. Ajju and I became even more close with each passing day and there was never a day in the past, I felt sad after that beautiful love confession.

He even brought me to his house and introduced his family to me. I still remember that day, he took me to meet his family, on a Sunday, a week after our love confession. I was so reluctant and hesitant to meet his family. As far as I had known, I had not met any one of my friends' family. Almost all of them were from our Home itself. My friends were my family so far. We supported each other and had a very strong bond. Yet, I don't know anything about family bonding at all. I still remember the day, I met his amazing family,

At Arjun's House:

Ajju came to my hostel to pick me up, early in the morning. But I did not expect him to be there at freaking 8'o clock in the morning. I had just gotten up from my bed and he was standing there outside my dorm, looking all fresh and handsome as ever in his blue turtle neck and black leather jacket, giving a touch competition to all the other guys out there. Ani too got up from her bed and came up to me when she saw me looking out the window, with unblinking eyes.

"Oh, our Romeo has come?", she chirped in her extra hoarse morning voice, looking like a zombie with her bed hair and pink puppy pajamas. I nodded my head at her and looked at the wall clock to check whether it has stopped working all of a sudden.

No it was doing its job very well. It is just that I was nervous as hell to meet his family. "Come on what are you waiting for? Go get ready" she said and dragged her sleepy ass to her bed, again. "You are not coming?", I shrieked at her, because my friends had promised me that they would be there to render support. "Yaa, but not so early, you go first. We will be there soon", she mumbled from under her thick blanket. Oh, how I want to pour a bucket of cold water on her. Before I could execute my evil plan, my mobile rang.

Guess who, "Hey baby, good morning" came his ever so deep, husky voice. "Good morning", I shared a small dose of my hesitation with him. "Why is your voice sulking?", he enquired in an amused tone. "Don't laugh at me", I scolded him and turned my head to the other side as if he will see me from the ground floor. How childish, I know. "Ok, listen. I am sorry. Now I have been waiting for half an hour. Are you coming or not?", he asked and ran a hand through his jet-black hair, looking even more handsome. I did not know I was drooling over him, until I heard his voice, "Stop staring at me. You know staring at someone is a bad habit and answer my question now", he commanded.

"I was not staring at anyone else, but my boyfriend. You have a problem with that?", I retorted back. "No I don't have any problem as long as you have your eyes at only me, but come soon", he almost whined. "Ok give me ten minutes. And for your information, you just came here fifteen minutes ago, you liar", I said and cut the call and ran to the bathroom.

One and half hours later, I was standing in front of Ajju, fiddling with my dupatta(shawl), nervous enough to get a panic attack. He grabbed my hand trying to save that poor cloth from my assault. "Look at me", he said in a gentle voice. But I did not look at him, but at his branded black sport shoes. He lifted my chin and made me look at him. "You need not worry about anything. Aadi and Anya are so sweet. And you will have me by your side no matter what. So, relax", he tried to ease me out of my misery.

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