Chapter - 42

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The mehndi function was a huge celebration, with Ani's mom forcing all of us to get mehndi in our hands and a whining groom, who was ready to call off the wedding, just because he was not allowed to see his bride. The function was so much fun and I enjoyed it a lot. All my friends got along very well with Krish and Gavi, pulling them into our comfort zone. Gavi was paranoid to come to India in the first place, but I somehow convinced him. He was very interested in all the rituals and kept asking doubts every now and then. I would not be surprised even if he decides to get married to Krish according to the Indian tradition.

I was arranging all the things needed for the sangeet ceremony tonight, when my room door barged open and in entered Varu with an angry scowl on his face. the whole gang entered behind him with tired faces. Practicing back-to-back must have taken a toll on them. But they were all looking at Varu. Hari and Vishal shook their heads with defeated sighs. What is happening? I looked at Varu, expecting him to say something, but he sat on the couch and stared outside my window. The others too plopped on my made-up bed and messed it up to their content.

I looked at Krish, but he let out an exasperated sigh and rolled to the other side. "Guys why do you all look like you had run a mile in a scorching weather?", I asked to no one in particular. "We are tired", said Rob. "and famished", Varu mumbled from his place. Ah, now he opens his mouth. So, food is the problem here. "Then go and eat", I gestured to the door with my hand. "That stupid friend of yours would not let me", he almost yelled at me. "I am not stupid. I asked you to complete your practice before eating food. Is that wrong?", Krish yelled back at him. What are they, stupid kindergarteners? They both glared at each other as if their glares could dig a hole in the floor to swallow the other. Never mind, I stay on the fifth floor.

"Krish, Varu can you guys please stop it? You are not children", I scolded them, but they just kept on glaring at each other. "But he is treating me like one", Varu pointed his finger at Krish and gritted his teeth. "You are the one acting like a grumpy child here", Krish retorted back and scoffed at him. "Guys please stop it", I shouted and looked at the others for some help. "Yes Varu, please behave like a man", Hari said and winked at me. I am trying to calm him, here he is mocking me, useless bastards.

"His steps are so difficult", Varu whined from behind me and received a deadly glare from Krish. "Everything looks difficult for a baby elephant like you", Rob muttered under his breath. Uffgh, this is getting out of hand. "Ok listen here Varu. I will teach you some easy steps, we will practice that and then you can eat", his face lit up like a freaking Christmas tree as soon as I said those words and he ran out of the room, so eager to eat. I let out a relieved sigh and followed my friends who rolled their eyes at Varun and got ready for the rehearsals.


After two hours of rehearsals and a little nap I was ready to rock the floor exactly by six o clock in the evening. Everyone was dressed in dashing traditional outfits for the evening and Ani's cousins were flaunting their beauty in front of the poor boys, who were sighing dreamily whenever they encountered some cute girl. Some uncles were discussing business with a glass of fine wine in the corner and aunties were discussing fashion and jewelry. All in all, it looked so colorful and vibrant. I did not know having so many relatives could create such happy atmosphere during functions. Even Rob's parents were wearing Indian outfits and they got along so well with everyone.

Everything was set and we were all waiting for the bride and groom's entry as it was time for the function to begin. We had prepared a special entry for them which was kept from everyone to surprise them. I had my eyes glued to the entrance, and when I heard the distant whistle, Shrey, Gayu, Raks, Krish and I ran towards the entrance with a basket of flowers in hand. Hari, Varu, Gavi and Vishal were already there and as soon as they saw us Hari gave us a thumbs up saying that everything was set accordingly.

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