Chapter - 7

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I looked over at the plain, beautiful sky full of sparkling stars that were mocking me with their bright smile. The waning moon looked at me as though it understood how it feels to miss someone, giving me its sad smile, which I found myself mirroring. I was just humming to whatever Anika was saying, because all she does is updating me about the happenings in India, afraid that I might forget them if I don't speak to them. It was when I came back from my reverie did I notice that she was not speaking to me. I thought the line went dead, she was there but was not speaking. It is so unlike her to remain quite even for a while.

"Hey, Ani what happened why are you not talking?", I panicked. "You did not even hear a single word I spoke, did you?", she asked in an accusatory tone. I was embarrassed for getting caught and coughed awkwardly to come up with a lie. "Sana, don't you dare lie to me. I know you more than yourself", she seemed hurt and her voice broke. I am a stupid who is of no value to others. I can't even hear what my friend has to say.

I tried to apologize for my silly mistake, but she just brushed it off and scolded me in a sweet way, "don't even try to ignore me Sana, if you do so I will haunt you in your dreams", I smiled at her silly threat and nodded my head vigorously, even though she can't see me. "Now now, Sana. Don't just nod your head, open your mouth and speak, duck head", god this girl knows me more than anyone.

"Ok. Stop with the teasing, what were you saying?", I asked her and in return only received her silence. What is wrong with her, she never remains silent, not even when someone throws a bucket of cold water on her. "Hey Ani, what happened? This is not so you. Why are you just silent?", I panicked. "Sana you know I wanted to tell you something important.", she hesitantly spoke and I encouraged her to speak further, "ok tell me then." I waited for five minutes, but she is not in the mood to speak and she sounds nervous. Anika can never be nervous.

There is something serious that she is hiding from me. I can literally feel her biting her nails on the other side. "Hey, you know you can tell me anything", I gently urged her. She dragged in a long breath and released it before she spoke, "Sana, I am getting married. Me and Rob, we have decided to tie the knot and I want you to be there with me when that happens".

I was dumb struck. I could not even wish her or tease her. It was like I was suddenly pulled back into the past that I refused to forget. "what?", my reply came in a shaky voice which I did not even recognize as mine, sensing my discomfort she continued, "Sanjana I know how much effort it took for you to leave everything behind to start a new life. But you are my best friend and I want you to be there for me, I hope you understand. Please come back home, girl. We all miss you so much", she pleaded with me. New life, ha I never wanted to start a new life, I just wanted to live with the happy memories he had given me and I left the place because it had both our good and bad memories.

She even asked me to come back home, what she does not know is that I do not have a home or someone to call as mine. Silent tears made their way to my cheeks as all the memories started playing in front of me like a fast-forwarding movie. I don't want to go there, at the same time, I don't want to hurt her feelings by denying her. She deserves happiness and I will go there to make sure she enjoys every moment of her wedding, even if it takes a great deal of courage for me. After all they are my favorite couple.

I wiped my tears, put on a smile even though she cannot see me and nodded my head, "Ani, you don't have to worry. As your best friend I will be there for you. We will have so much fun and tease Rob to death, what say", she laughed with me and heaved a huge sigh of relief. "I wish it were old times, Sana. It would have been better if you all were here", she reminisced our college life. And I know what she meant by all, but chose to ignore it. "Oh oh, don't worry. We don't want you to look like a ghost in your own wedding now, do we?", I tried to cheer her up. She snorted and I can imagine her rolling her eyes.

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