Chapter - 10

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Six years ago.

I was sleeping peacefully on my bed, dreaming about my future and successful career. I was dancing to my favorite song, when I felt rain droplets on my face. Oh my god, is it raining? But only my face is wet, and how can it rain inside a room? That was when I noticed my dearest friend Gayathri, standing there near my bed, with an empty glass in her hand. She had an evil smirk on her face. Oh, how I wish to wipe that smirk off her face. But I can't, because she is my best friend, and best enemy at times like these.

"Idiot, why did you pour water on me? You could have shaken me or called me, why did you pour that damn water, when you very well know that I won't like it?", I asked her wiping the water off my face with my blanket. "Call you? Have you turned deaf Sana? I have been trying to wake you up for the last fifteen minutes, but you did not want to come out of your dream world, so I had no other way", saying this she went to her side and sat down on her bed. I rubbed my eyes lazily and eyed my pillow, thinking about going back to sleep. "Don't even think of that", she warned me with a hard glare.

She knows me more than myself, that is because she is my best friend. "Gayu, please let me sleep for ten minutes, I promise you I will wake up after that", I asked her like a small child. "I know your tactics Sana, it won't work on me. Now get up. You only have one day left to be here, and you are not even getting up from your bed", she accused me and dragged the blanket away from me. She calls me Sana, because Sanjana was too long for her, when we met for the first time, we both were only three years old and she could not say my full name correctly so she opted for Sana and I started calling her Gayu, and it continues till now. I like it when people give me nick names, so I let it be.

Oh my god. It is my last day here. I love this place so much. I don't want to leave this place, but I have to go as I have to pursue my dreams. I completed my board exams three months ago and I applied for my dream university which is in Bangalore, last month and I got selected, because of my good percentage. What is even more delightful is that I got a full scholarship too. But I have to leave for Bangalore tomorrow morning. Gayu gave me a look that says she understands me and supports me completely. She too got selected in one of the famous Fashion institute's in Chennai. She is also going to the college hostel, but she is still in Chennai and can visit our Home whenever she likes. But I can't come often like her.

She is sad that I am going away from her, but she knows that I love my dream and she is supporting me. To lighten the thick atmosphere, I spoke to her, "Hey, I know it is my last day here. That is why I am spending some time with my bed. You know I will miss it, right". "I know you would say this. So, you will miss your bed more than your best friend", she asked me raising her right eyebrow. "Nobody said that I won't miss you, baby. I will miss you too", I pinched her cheeks and told her.

She laughed with tears in her eyes and hugged me. After sometime, she pulled away and kept her hands on my shoulder. What now? This look says that she is up to something, "Sana, I love you so much. But please go and take a nice bath, you stink so bad", saying this she laughed and ran out. Stupid, I will handle you later. I smelt myself, and goodness I do stink.

After having a nice shower, I spent my day with Gayu and other kids in my home. They are so nice to me. They said that they would miss me and gifted me so many things. They gave me handmade drawings and note books. I was so happy to receive all their love. I felt blessed and grateful for their gifts. To any outsider it might look small and unworthy, but for me they are so special and I will treasure them with my heart.

We spent the whole day playing games and we made lots and lots of sweet memories together. I wandered around our home thinking about all the years I spent here and looking at all the places I played with Gayathri and my friends in the garden. I could not control my tears when I sat on the swing set, it is my favorite place in our home.

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