Chapter - 49

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"College was everything I expected it to be and much more. The huge campus, famous for its academic achievements, students as excited as me and all the new things were so enthralling. But contrast to my enthusiasm, my brother Arvi did not feel excited at all. He was literally like a robot, just attending the classes and going on about his daily routine, that is to watch over me", she said with a small chuckle, as if remembering all those moments brought both happiness and sadness. I don't know why she is telling me about her past and her brother, but I listened to her. Sometimes listening to someone talk, might be of a huge help to them, than actually helping them.

"But that was until he met someone. A special someone, who became my best friend, in no time.", she had an admiring look on her face, when she talked about her friend. "She brought the much needed fun into my brother's life. Before meeting her, he was always this moody, grumpy guy and would get angry for even the smallest of things. But she changed him for better, and I am so thankful to her. My brother started behaving more friendly towards my friends, especially my guy friends", she said and giggled to herself. I smiled at her and looked at everyone. They are all smiling looking at her, even Praveen and Karthik. They must have heard this story many times before.

"My brother started liking her, right from day one. But that stubborn idiot would not admit it. He would not even smile at her, but he would keep gawking at her and his eyes would follow every movement of hers. In the mean time, we both became close. She would come to my room late at night and we would talk about anything and everything. My brother became jealous of me for talking to his crush so much", she said and shared a look with Mr. Vikram. They both smiled at each other as if remembering something.

"One day I was with her in our college canteen and my brother was with us. I accidentally hit her in the head, while I was actually passing a plate of croissants to my brother. My brother rushed to her when he heard her cry and nearly killed me for hurting his 'Darling'. He accidentally confessed to her that he likes her so much. The look on his face, when he came back to his senses and realized that he told her 'I Love You' was marvelous. He kept staring at her, with his mouth open like a gaping fish, until she hugged him and said that she loves him too. He was more shocked to see her reciprocate his feelings and only came out of his shock when I punched him in the stomach. I was so happy that day for my brother and best friend. I always knew they would end up together", she said and looked at me, trying to gauge my reaction.

"Why are you telling me about them?" I asked perplexed. This is not anyway related to me or my questions. She cleared her throat and whispered inaudibly, "Because her name is Manasi Jayachandran." But I heard her well and clear. She is my mother's BEST FRIEND and I did not know it until now. Besides, her brother is the guy who tortured my mother when she was in college. Why would she say, my mother loved him. "But that is not possible. My father said that he and my mother were in love with each other, even before she went to college", I told her what I heard from my father. When I finished telling her what happened in the past one week, she looked furious.

She looked ready to kill someone. Her face looked so red and smoke would have come out of her ears, if she were a comic character. I would have laughed looking at her, if I were not angry at her. "What did he say? What did that BASTARD say?", she screamed at my face. I looked at her horrified. Karthik immediately rushed to her side and tried to calm her, while I sat there looking at all the people around me. They all looked so angry. Out of all of them, Anamika aunty looked so furious. She started hyperventilating. A panicked Karthik called out for a servant and a maid rushed with her pills and he made her take the medicine. I was so afraid to even move a muscle. All the family members gathered around her and tried to bring her back to normal.

It took ten minutes for her to calm down. Once she had her temper under her control, she sat on the couch next to me. "I am sorry", she mumbled in a soft voice, but her hands were still fisted on the couch. I did not want to provoke her, so I just kept quiet. After a while, she turned to me and drew in a deep breath. I looked at her expectantly. "Sanjana, he is not your father", she stated calmly. What? "What are you saying?" my voice came out louder than I intended to be. She did not notice the change in my tone or she just chose to ignore it. From the corner of my eyes I saw Karthik taking a step my way, but he stopped at his place when he saw me glare at him. "He is not your father. He is the one who stalked your mother, wherever she went. He did not even let her have a peaceful life in college too", she grimaced and turned her focus to the expensive coffee table in front of her.

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