Chapter - 9

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I was standing in a place which was surrounded by utter darkness, everywhere I looked there was only darkness. There was a little light that was coming form a distant place and I could not make out where I was. All I knew was that I had a bad feeling that this place was not meant for me and I was scared to even take one step forward, so I stood rooted to my place. Suddenly there was someone, whose face I could not see as he was standing in the dark. He was tall and well built. He was walking away from me, as if I was mesmerized by his mysterious stance, I started following him to wherever he was going. After a long time, he started going near the small light that was coming form the open space, and I was so eager to look at his face.

I don't know what was pulling me towards him, because I just followed him. Something about him is achingly familiar. I felt like he has the answer for my questions and he is trying to lure me in his trap, yet I followed him. Looking at his gloomy figure, one thing became clear to me. He knows some truth about my life, and I am definitely not going to like it. I was so close to know who he was, when I heard a loud sound, like a hammer hitting a door.

I suddenly woke up to the sound of some one knocking on my door, fully drenched in sweat and drums replaced for my heart, or should I say trying to break it. I felt so disoriented, and it took me a minute to register my surrounding. Oh god, it was a dream, a very scary dream. I heard someone shouting from the other side of the door. Shit it was Krish and he must be going crazy outside. I hurriedly got up form the bed and opened the door. He looked really mad and ready to break the door. "What the hell took you so long, Sanjana?", he shouted at my face and I flinched away. "I am sorry, I overslept", I mumbled in a low voice. "What?... You have a flight in two hours and you say that you overslept. I don't really understand you, girl", he shouted at the top of his voice and dragged me inside my room.

"Now go and get ready, and be quick", he warned me and sat on my bed and began checking my luggage. God what is wrong with him. Has he developed morning crankiness all of a sudden? Any how I ran inside the bathroom and took a quick shower and got ready in simple yet comfy clothes, pushing the scary dream into the deepest part of my brain. I chose a light blue top and paired it with dark blue jeans.

I was wearing my converse when Krish suddenly barged inside my room and looked at me like I had grown two horns in my head. "Take all the time in the world, and sit inside your room all day", he said in a much calmer voice. "What are you saying, Krish? I have a flight to catch", I told him in an equally calm voice. "That is what I am trying to say idiot. You have a flight to catch and you are sitting like you are enjoying a massage in a freaking spa", he shouted at me and I burst out laughing.

He gave me a deathly glare, so I composed myself. "Don't worry buddy, I am ready. Now come let's go", I dragged him outside with me. He followed me out, mumbling something to himself. When we came out Gavin and Vihaan were standing in the living room discussing something among themselves. "thank god, you came. I thought you changed your mind and decided to stay here instead.", Gavin said and I went to him and punched him in the arm. "Man, I am not going there forever. I will come back soon. Until then, take care of my friend and yourself", I told him and gave him a hug. I told the same to V and together we dragged my luggage and went to the parking lot.

After thirty minutes all four of were standing in the airport, and I was checking if I had taken all things that are needed, when we heard the announcement for my flight. Boarding all my luggage in a trolley with the help of the guys, I turned to say good bye to them. I hugged Krish and said a tearful good bye.

He seemed to have been composed when compared to yesterday and said, "Don't worry dumbo, I will take care of the studio in your absence, you just spend some time with your friends and enjoy the wedding" "Oh, I know you will. Don't forget to come to the wedding or else, I will have to find you in a hospital, somewhere in India", I laughed at my own joke. I failed to cover my sadness and the three guys group hugged me and tried to console me.

I reluctantly detached myself from the hug and went to get my trolley, when we heard the next announcement of the flight. I waved my hands at them and made my way to get my boarding pass. There was a long line and I had to wait for twenty minutes before I completed all the procedures and got cleared. All the time that I was standing in the line, I felt like I was being watched. I let my eyes roam around my surroundings, but I did not find anything unusual. Maybe I still have not come out of my dream.

I loaded all my luggage and finally entered the plane and found my seat. I should remind myself to thank Rob when I land in India, for the wonderful window seat. I made myself comfortable, sent a quick text to Rob and looked at the busy plane which was boarding passengers of various age. I love travelling a lot. It gives you new opportunities to make new friends and it describes the significance of one of the most important facts of life. We are all just a small speck in this huge world.

After boarding all the passengers, the flight is about to take off now, still I can't get this creepy feeling out of my mind. I am constantly feeling someone's eyes on me, yet when I look around, I couldn't find anything. Given the narrow seats, it is even more difficult. It might be my over thinking brain, so I just brushed the feeling aside and looked outside the window.

Looking at the window, while the flight takes off, is a different feeling. You feel like you are someone so great and important and the world looks so small and insignificant. But that is not the reality. In real, we humans are the ones, who are small and insignificant. So, I enjoy when I get the privilege to think that the world is under my feet, even if it is for a few hours.

Sitting back, I began thinking about the events that happened in my life recently. It feels like many things happened in the last three months, more than my whole stay in London. It is overwhelming. From getting those weird dreams, to knowing about Krish's relationship, getting to befriend V and finally Anika's marriage. I am so happy to see all my loved ones happy. But the question that keeps pestering me constantly, has to come and flash in front of my eyes now.

ARE YOU HAPPY? My subconscious asked me. I don't know the answer to that question. Maybe I am happy that people around me are happy, maybe not. I don't want to think about it now. I just want to focus on the foreign city, which gave a home to me for almost three years and it keeps shrinking and shrinking, until I can't see it anymore. Why can't my problems shrink like that? What have I done to deserve this? WHY ME? I want to shout at the world for letting me live a lonely life. But if I do that I will look like a complete fool.

To distract myself from my own thoughts and the questions that keep revolving in my head, I took my head phones out, plugged my phone to it and started listening to some soothing melody songs. Music is always helpful, it helps you cope up with your problems at times and also distracts you from the harsh reality. It now takes me back to my past.

I still remember the day, I left my home 'Annai Illam', to join my dream college. Even if I don't have any relatives to call as mine, I have my lovely home with lots of children, children like me who were abandoned by their own blood, to call as home, and our lovely mother Maria to take care of us like her own children.

I remember the travel from Chennai to Bangalore, like it all happened yesterday. I left the place and the city I grew up in and started my journey to Bangalore to fulfill my dream. At first, I did not want to leave my friends and my lovely mother back, but I had to leave them in order to pursue my dream.

Sister Stella encouraged me to go to Bangalore, when I got a letter from the University, with full scholarship. Mother accompanied me to Bangalore that day and I was so eager to go to a new place and it was my dream university. I was on cloud nine when I first set my foot in the campus. But I did not know at that time that I will curse myself for desiring to be a part of that place. I still remember the first time I laid my eyes on my university....





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