Chapter - 36

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One and half years later,

Everything feels like magic. From seeing my Ajju for the first time in that abandoned building to falling in love with him and travelling with him for almost two and half years. Every single thing is a miracle for me. I never thought I would find the love of my life in my college, that too in my senior. I was very determined when I came here, that I took an oath to myself, stating that I would only focus on my career and nothing else. But that seems out of proportion now.

Is it not funny how life surprises us with the most unexpected yet beautiful things at the most unexpected and uncertain moments? and we fail to notice that we are deviating from our motive and slowly start following the path of fate even without self-knowledge. But it is life we are talking about; it gives you what it wants to give whether you are ready for it or not. Are we all ready to take the next step without the fate pushing us? no. We will never be ready. But we have to grow up and face life head on. I was also that type of girl whose main purpose in life was to live an invisible life, just desiring to develop my talent and show the world how I made myself worthy enough even after everyone in my life rejected me.

Then came my Ajju in my life, and he flipped it totally upside down and I am left with no words to describe the warm feeling I get in my heart whenever he is near me or hugs me. It is like his love and warmth are like an invisible blanket that wraps around my broken soul to protect me from any harm. I came to this college as an orphan, but I have got many friends, whom I can proudly rely on and in whom I have found a beautiful family I have always longed to have. More than anything I have found the missing piece of my heart, my Ajju. I finally feel like I have someone to call mine and I have someone to cry on and share my happy moments without the fear of being judged.

He is the life changing decision I made and I am more than happy to have made that decision. All throughout these years, he has been my friend, motivator, guide, lover, family and more than anything my pillar of support. He might be rough and rude to everyone, but he is a very cute lover boy, who will do anything for my happiness. His hard and emotionless hazel eyes will change into soft and lovely ones when his eyes land on me. He has been working hard all these years and he is now the COO of his brother's company. I am so proud of him. He is trying very hard to make a beautiful future for us. Future, that word is so full of promise and happiness.

I am now in my final year and he completed his MBA last year along with Rob, Varu, Hari and Raks. Ani too completed her UG last year and joined for her masters here, much to her grandma's dismay. Rob went to New York after his graduation to join his father's company and Ani and Rob are in a long-distance relationship now. Hari, after completing his masters, joined as an assistant manager in Aadi bro's firm. Shrey and Hari have progressed so much in their relationship. Hari proposed her on her birthday two years ago and they are so much in love since then. Well for Varu, his first love is still food and he has started his own business and Raks has joined a reputed college as a professor. I bet all the students must have a hard time focusing in her class.

Gayu is now in her final year and she has already designed so many unique and beautiful dresses and she is getting ready to launch her own designs in the fashion world. I bet, she is going to ace it. She has also got a boyfriend and I was shocked to find out that he is the same guy who stayed with us in our Home for two years. I had no idea they liked each other back then, but Gayu herself did not know until he approached her in college. They are a happy couple now.

I introduced Arjun to Gayu and MM, the next day after our first-year anniversary. Gayu already knew about us but it was a big shock to MM. she always saw me as a small child and when she came to know that her small Sana kanna got herself a boyfriend, she stood wide-eyed and frozen in her place. I had to shake her out of her shock and she fired many questions at Ajju to know whether his feelings for me are real or not. He politely answered all her questions sincerely and at last she had a beautiful smile on her face, indicating that he had won her heart, just like he had won mine in no time.

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