Chapter - 31

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The whole view in front of me was remarkable. Someone had put a lot of thought into it. The entire place was decorated with beautiful tiny white and gold lights and there were flowers everywhere. Even the big tank in the corner was decorated with colorful lights and there was a big picnic blanket in the centre of the huge roof top and even the railing was decorated. There were even scented candles and they gave a romantic feeling to the breath-taking atmosphere. I swiveled around to get a look at my surrounding and the whole place was decorated with lights, flowers and balloons, making it look like a colorful candy shop.

A hand wiped my cheeks and that was when I realized, I was crying. "Please don't cry, Sanju. I want you to be happy on this day", he said and kissed my forehead. I wiped my nose on my t-shirt sleeve and looked at him with tears flooding my eyes. Those were not sad tears, but happy ones. "Smile for me, please...", he asked me in a husky child-like voice and I smiled at him with tears in my eyes. "That is my girl", he too smiled a huge smile and hugged me.

I did not have to ask him, why he was doing all these things. I have seen in his eyes, the love he has for me so many times. But I did not want to tag my luck less life with him and be a burden in his life. I had figured out my feelings for him a long time ago, but my insecure-self stopped me from expressing my undying feelings for him. I somehow managed to mask my feelings in front of him, but now it looks like all that was for naught.

Arjun looked at me with so many emotions in his eyes and I had a hard time looking at them, for I was afraid of feelings. I looked down at his chest to avoid looking at him. He was wearing my favorite white dress shirt with a black blazer covering his manly arms and he looked heavenly and smelt the same too. I felt his piercing intense gaze, but I did not have the guts to look at him. He lifted my chin with his index finger and caressed my cheeks.

"Look at me", he ordered in a soft voice when I did not lift my eyes. I slowly looked at him through my lashes and he had a bright smile on his handsome face. I felt heat rush to my cheeks in full force and looked behind him to see two of his band members playing 'Playing Love', by Ennio Morricone adding more love to the love-blessed roof top. I looked back at him and it was like I had suddenly been a victim of Alexithymia. I could not form any words, because of the swirling emotions in his eyes. I could see admiration, respect, mirth, and so on, the most dominant one being love.

I caressed his stubbled cheeks and confessed my feelings through my eyes, for I will never be able to vocalize them. He gave me a beautiful smile and suddenly knelt down in front me. Before I could ask him what he was doing, he began his little speech.

"Sanju I don't know why I feel what I feel towards you. I tried; I seriously did to get rid of that goofy smile that would fight with me to make a tiny appearance whenever I am near you. I really tried to convince myself that I am not in love, for love can only bring damage to my already half-broken heart."

"I don't know when the motive of my life changed and you became my ulterior motive. I know loving can hurt, but I want to take the chance with you and only you. I am very sure, that what I feel for you will not change even after an eternity, I want to spend eternities with you and see our lives take a wonderful transformation. I want to share my heart and soul with you and only you for the rest of my life.", he said all those words just like that in his deep husky voice.

"I know this is pretty early and I can understand your hesitation. But take your time, I will wait for you.", he expressed himself kneeling in front of me and took a deep breath. "Now that I have made myself clear, I want to say something, which I have been meaning to tell you for a long while now.", he composed himself and looked at me straight in the eyes, with pure love in his eyes. I did not miss the fear and slight hesitation in his attractive eyes. "I Love You, Sanjana. I really do. Will you give me a chance to cherish you till my last breath?", he confessed and looked at me with eyes filled with so much hope, love and admiration, all for me.

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