Chapter - 3

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PMJ is one of the famous bars in West London, and it is a holiday, so it was fully packed when we reached there. Teenage boys and girls were dancing on the stage like maniacs and peppy music was being played by some popular DJ I had no idea about. I usually don't like going to clubs or discotheques, but today is for my best friend. He seems too nervous since we entered the bar. He keeps looking at his phone every two minutes, as if his boyfriend is going to emerge out of it miraculously. "Hey Krish, chill man why are you so nervous?", I placed a friendly hand on his shoulder and asked him. "No Sana, it is your first time meeting him, what if you don't like him? But trust me he is such a nice guy.", he seemed so nervous as he said it. "It does no matter whether I like him or not. What matters is that you like him. If you like him, I am sure he is definitely a good guy. So, don't worry", I encouraged him.

He ordered whiskey for himself and a coke for me. We were discussing about the upcoming competition for the kids when I saw a large and bulky guy approaching us. His attire was completely black making him even more menacious. Krish could not see him as he was facing away from him. I would have thought that he is a bouncer, if he had not looked me straight in the eye while he strode towards us. "Hi, Sanjana. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. By the way, I am Gavin Knight. Your friend's boyfriend." He introduced himself as he stood next to Krish. Upon hearing his voice my dear friend turned his head in lightning speed and gave him his most lovable and charming smile. Gavin winked at him and kissed his cheek. Aww, isn't it too lovely? Krish looks like a tomato right now, so I decided to save him from further embarrassment and introduced myself. "Hi Gavin, it is a pleasure to meet you too.", I shook his rock-hard hands with my tiny ones. Man, this guy is so scary with tattoos all over his upper arm. It is like he has black veins that are protruding and running all over his hand.

I first thought that this Gavin guy is a very serious person. But the time we have spent with him for the past two hours has proved how wrong I was to judge him without knowing him. Appearance can be deceptive and he is the perfect example for that. He is a very funny guy and he has cracked so many jokes and right now I am feeling pain in my tummy due to all the laughing. Now, we are walking to some nearby restaurant to have dinner as the bar only provides drinks and all. I just don't understand their logic here, if they can provide drinks that costs so much why can't they provide food too. "Gavin I really thought that you are a very serious guy seeing your physique and the tattoos you have on your arms, but turns out, you are really a very nice guy. No doubt my friend likes you so much", I told him what my heart feels about him. "So, Sanjana do you trust me enough to keep your friend happy forever?", he asked me out of the blue. I was taken aback by his question. The word forever hit me in the heart like a truck and left me quite breathless.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face as I had taken more than the necessary time to make a decision. I came back from my sad bubble of reality and told him with as much cheerfulness I could muster, "I am sure you will be very happy together; I can even foresee a very happy future for you both. But if you by any chance hurt my friend in any way, even if it is unintentional, I have a brand new baseball bat in my flat that would love to teach some lesson to your head", I threatened him in my most serious voice, because I don't want to see Krish hurt, ever. "I promise you that I will never hurt him nor will I let anyone hurt him. You can trust me", he had his hand on his Adam's apple and looked so sincere. I nodded my head and gave him a hug to ensure him that I trust him. "See Krish now that I have got your best friend's consent and also your parents' approval, will you come and live with me?", he asked Krish and to say that I was beyond shocked would be an understatement.

Krish had such a comical expression on his face that I would have laughed if I were not confused and angry on him. He had the same 'shocked beyond words' expression of some leading Indian soap actors. I looked at him partly angry because he did not tell me that he has introduced Gavin to his parents and partly confused because it is too early for a live-in relationship. Krish must have guessed my thoughts, because he came forward, held my hand and explained to me in a soothing yet nervous voice, "Sana actually I lied to you about us going on our first date together only yesterday. We have actually gone on many dates in these three months since the first time I have talked to him. I told mom about him the same day I told you and she wanted to meet him. So I brought him home yesterday, and guess what mom and dad did, they both took an instant likeness towards him, but I did not know that he was this eager to take our relationship to the next level, I am so sorry for not telling you earlier Sana, but you are the only one who knows about us except my parents. Don't think that I have ignored you. You are my one and only friend."

It slightly hurts to know that he has kept his relationship hidden from me, but I can think of a few reasons of why he must have hesitated to tell me, one of them being my broken heart. He did not want to hurt me even more, but he has hurt me by thinking that I would not take the news well. I would have done the same thing if I were in his position. But the emotional part of my heart refused to take any excuses given by my rational brain. So, I gently withdrew my hand from his hold took a few steps back and made sure that I was facing both Krish and Gavin, "Guys you look so cute together. If you really like each other, don't think of anything or anyone. I am really so happy for you; I actually have some unfinished business back at home. I have to go, so you guys go and enjoy your dinner." Having said this, I turned on my heel and literally ran away from them afraid that I would start crying if I spend one more minute with them.

I hailed a cab not minding the fitness walk I would take everyday to the metro station, that would help me think about all the things that happens around me, mainly because I did not want to ruin their time together and I also did not want Krish to come running behind me and create a scene in the middle of nowhere. The ride to my house was so silent, as I tried not to cry. The silence was so deafening that my mind automatically started thinking about one of Ajju's so many promises which he failed to fulfill. 'Baby, don't worry I will always be there to hold you and comfort you, whenever you feel low, I will be there to celebrate all your victories. I will be with you forever'. His deep velvety voice was playing in my mind on repeat mode and silent tears started flowing from my eyes. The cab driver played some soothing music probably trying to comfort me, but nothing can comfort me except my Ajju's arms. But I can't find my comfort in him now. This made me cry even harder. Thankfully the driver pulled outside my house in less than twenty minutes and I gave him extra tip and ran inside my house.

I let all my emotions rule me as soon as I entered my room. I never thought Krish would think about me like that. How could he think that I would be hurt to know that he has found the love of his life. Of all the people, how could he think of me in such a low way? It is in times like these that I miss Anika and Raksha so much. Even if they are elder than me, they were so close to me like real sisters and they have never misunderstood me, not even in the worst situations of my life. I suddenly had a strong urge to look at the smiling face of my Arjun. I wiped my tears and opened my bedside drawer where I have treasured all his photos and gifts and took a photo in which he was smiling brightly at the camera while tackling Harish, Varun and Rob were standing near them having a similar smile. The next photo was of Arjun showing thumbs up while sitting on his bike, which he used to call his first love. I hugged the photo to my chest and slept on the floor relishing in the memories that pricks my soul whenever I think about us.  


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