Chapter - 29

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He looked at me with a certain emotion, that I could not decipher and kept scratching the back of his neck. "Do you maybe need something?", I asked him and he just shook his head. We kept on looking at each other for quite some time as I grew impatient. By now you must have guessed, patience is not one among my virtues. "I am really sorry", he said in an apologetic tone and looked down at his shoes. When I did not say anything, he continued, "Well I did behave like a jerk to you that day, when you came to thank me. I am sorry for that", he spoke slowly while looking at my eyes.

He looked so sincere while saying those words that I involuntarily nodded my head at him, "It is okay. You don't have to worry about it", I said to him and turned away to walk, as I did not want to stand in front of him for long, when his next words stopped me. "Would you like to spend some time with me?", he asked in a hesitant voice. "Huh?", I abruptly turned around and looked at him for further explanation. I was so confused, why would he want to spend time with someone like me.

"I know you don't have any class, and I am also free now. So why not spend some time together and get to know each other?", he explained with immense hope in his twinkling black orbs. Ow, how can I deny him when he has the cutest look? Cutest look, heck where did that come from? Anyhow, I can't spend my time with a jerk like him, however sweet he maybe or how much bored I am. I slightly shook my head at him and turned around to leave, but he had such a sulking look on his face that I became sad.

"Ok, but I have to be back in my room, before Ani comes back", I told him in a strict voice and he nodded his head happily and extended his hand for me. What happened to him today? Did he develop some kind of personality disorder in the last few days? "No, I am not bipolar, if that is what you think", he cleared my unvoiced doubt and I looked at his hand. "You can trust me. I won't bite you", he said and gestured for me to take his hand.

I slowly placed my hand on his and he held it in a gentle yet firm grip. It felt so surreal and I felt content to hold his large hand and share his warmth. I did not know what was happening to me? But I liked it, nonetheless. He gave me a small smile and led me towards the back of our department building. I do not understand this guy; one time he behaves like he loathes my existence, and now he behaves like a gentle man, offering me his hand to hold and what not. I was trying to tell myself that this small crush of mine will go away eventually. But that does not seem be to happening now, that he is holding my hand in his. I felt all warm inside and most of all I felt safe. I looked up at him to see him already looking at me.

"Sorry to disturb your train of thoughts, but we are going to climb a few stairs now. If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me", he said like he is talking to a six-years-old baby. I nodded my head at him and he helped me climb the stairs and together we went up to where I realized as the college roof top. We reached the roof top and I was so happy to see the breath-taking view of the full campus. I could even see the main gate from here. "This place is so beautiful", I whispered and looked at my surroundings and I felt so light to feel the cool breeze hit my skin like a silk robe of freshness. I heard him murmur something under his breath and when I turned around, I found a blanket spread in the middle of the roof top.

Arjun was standing with a sweet smile on his face and he gestured for me to sit on the blanket. "where did you get all these from?", I wondered as I looked at the thick blanket. "This is one of my favorite places in the world. I often come here to clear my mind of the things that disturb me. So I always keep a blanket and a few pillows under that huge tank", he explained showing me a big tank situated at the corner of the rooftop. "amazing", that was the only word to describe the feeling that I felt when I saw his happiness and his twinkling eyes.

I slowly sat down, careful not to hurt my right ankle and placed my bag near me. He too sat beside me but maintained a decent gap, a gentleman that he is. For a few moments nobody said anything. I just sat there looking at the late afternoon sky and the floating clouds going on about their endless expenditure, exploring the world on their way to salvation. I enjoyed the soothing wind and brushed my hair aside from time to time to avoid any hinderance. When I looked at him, he was looking somewhere into the spongy sky with a faraway look in his eyes, twirling a dried leaf in his hand now and then.

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