Chapter - 54

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I watched the sun slowly rising from the horizon and looked at the birds that are getting ready to start their new day full of happiness and adventure. The bright and soothing orange glow that the sun provides, kind of makes you want to embrace that color with your entire mind and run your fingers on the brilliant streaks of hope they spread. But I am jealous of that color. How come it is so vibrant and full of happiness, when I am sulking here? Happiness seems to hate me so much that it never stays with me even for a short while. Well talking about adventure, I don't remember a single day, where I had breathed the air of freedom and said, 'Today I was happy and content'. I don't even remember when the last time I smiled at myself in the mirror is. All I know for now is that the truths are coming out one after the other and that day when the ultimate justice will be served is not far.

The misty white clouds gave way to the rising sun and they just scooted away as if they are afraid of the radiation. The sun brought a clear and vibrant sky with it and the brightness it spreads to all the living things in the world is so surreal. I feel so small in front of the sun, yet the problems I face are looming over my head like a pendulum, oscillating left and right and preventing me from getting a clear view of the sun. I don't even try to sleep as I am constantly afraid of the haunting nightmares that are ready to feast on me as soon as I close my eyes. The most haunting thing is the screams of my mother that are echoing in my head even as I watch the beautiful sunrise.

There are so many beautiful things in the world, but I don't have the time to appreciate the beauty. The clock is ticking and tonight is the night that is going to bring the freedom of my mother and decide the fate of Raghunath. I don't know what is in store for me, but I will surely give justice to my mother. I don't know what is going to happen to me, but if I am going down, I will make sure to take that prick down with me. I will kill him with my own hands if I have to. He had already done too much damage to my family and I am not going to spare him this time. I know what sort of a monster he is and I am well prepared to face him.

It has already been two days after I had come to know the truth about my parents. Two days after I had found out more about Karthik and Arjun. Two days since I last saw Karthik. He has not come home after he had gone out to meet Aadithya that night. I kept waiting for him, but he did not show up. He did not even inform anyone about his sudden disappearance. It seems like it is usual of him to just vanish, no one in the house bothered about him except me. Not even Anamika aunty was worried about it. When I asked her about it, she said he might be spending some extra time in the office.

He is not in the office. I overheard a conversation Praveen bro had with his father yesterday. He sounded mad about something Karthik was doing. He was also concerned about him, as he is concentrating on something way too much. He did not sound like he knew what it was about, but he said that he started ignoring the company work for some sort of personal work. I don't know where they work, or what sort of company they run, but he sounded pretty serious when he was talking about Karthik's responsibility.

I sighed and got up from the lounge chair and closed the balcony door, which had become my favorite escape place in the past few days. As I showered and got ready for the day, I thought back to the conversation I had with Harish yesterday. He had come to check up on me before going to the office that day. He came when we were having breakfast. So I lured him into having breakfast with me, in an attempt to buy some extra time. Everyone was busy with their routine work. Praveen bro and Mr. Vikram had to go to office, Mrs. Vikram and Anami aunty had to go to some function. It was the perfect opportunity for me talk to him.

After everyone had left the dining table, I turned to Hari and slowly started talking to him about his office and our time in college. I had to make it look like a casual talk, or else he might suspect me and who knows he might go and tell Karthik. So I played my cards wisely. I made it sound like I was not willing to talk about Arjun, yet I was willing to hear about the happy moments he shared with his friends. I know it was cruel of me to manipulate my friend, but I had no other option. He knows what sort of a bond Karthik and Arjun shared, and I somehow had to get it from him.

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