Chapter - 59 (Double update)

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Do y'all want a surprise double update today?

Irrespective of the answer, here it is.

One month later.


It has been over a month after my conversation with Sanjana, my Sanju. I chuckled at the complicated mess my life had become as I looked at the clear blue sky devoid of any gray or black color in it. I feel like all the weight I had on my shoulder has finally been put down. I can finally breathe in peace. I looked at the trees and other vehicles breeze past me in a constant blur as I stared outside the window of the car from the passenger seat. I had rolled down the window to welcome the fresh morning air and it feels so soothing to feel the chill air on my skin. The tightness in my chest has lessened a bit all thanks to my girl, if I could even call her my girl after all that I have done to her.

Aadithya sat behind the steering wheel with a sullen look on his face as his concentration was on the road. But I know my brother well enough to know that his brain is going haywire with all the jumbled thoughts he has been having since the time I informed him about the destination we are about to reach in a short while. I know he has questions, a lot of them. But I don't have the energy or will to answer them, at least not now, not when I have a lot of things running on my mind.

Soon we reached our destination and big bro turned off the engine and waited anxiously for my next move. I just stared outside reluctant to get out. I could feel my heart thumping in an unusual pace and my hands began sweating badly. My throat clogged like someone is squeezing it with both their hands and I could not breathe. I stuck my head out of the window and took in huge gulps of fresh air that my ambience provided and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

"Arjun you don't have to do it if you feel uncomfortable", bro kept a hand on my shoulder and said in a low voice as if he is also afraid to face what is about to come. I did not say anything, just kept my eyes closed and waited for my anxiety to vanish while the soothing air felt like it is caressing my soul. A fresh wind flew from the east side, washing off all the hesitation and almost welcoming me inside. I could feel the person's lively smile make its way into my mind as the wind brushed my hair in a friendly manner.

With new found confidence I opened my eyes and looked back at my brother who looked worried. "I am ready", with that I got out of his car and closed the door softly behind me. He too got out and came to stand beside me, "If you are ready then I am ok with it. Go, I will wait for you here", he gently pushed my shoulder with a small reassuring smile. I tried to smile back, but could not as I thought about what I am to do.

I did not ponder on the hesitation; I just pushed it to the back of my mind and walked inside slowly. I looked at all the flowers and different kinds of plants grazing the garden on both sides and smiled to myself. Aadi bro has taken special care of these plants as these are the favorite ones of the person residing inside peacefully. I pushed the gate open and let myself in before closing it behind me. Suddenly, I felt like a bright light hit me straight in the eye, I closed my eyes to shield them from the sudden brightness, but I felt strangely rejuvenated.

I have had this feeling of light hitting me on the eyes many times before, when I used to ride my bike. I felt excited and intrigued when I was faced with the challenges of my opponents calling me for a race, but nothing could compare to this certain emotion I am feeling now. I feel like I have been put in front of a divine light and the person's hearty laugh echoed in my ears when I squirmed away from the piercing light. "You are enjoying yourself, aren't you?", I mumbled with a smile and felt the same air bringing warmth and courage inside me.

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