Chapter - 50

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Hari asked me where I was, for the past one week. I told him all I knew about the place where I stayed and also what happened there. My friends listened to me with keen interest and occasionally glanced at Karthik, who is sitting beside Vishal, watching all of us with a blank look on his face. His face looks blank, but his eyes are calculative as ever. I would not be surprised if he were devising a plan to get anyone of us killed, beneath that façade. "So Sana how did you get out of that place?", Varu asked me, looking like a curious kid, with furrowed brows and crinkled nose, who is eagerly waiting for his exam results to be published. "I escaped from the house discreetly, at midnight, with the help of Ranjani ma" I started only to be interrupted by Gayu. "Who is Ranjani ma?", she asked. I sighed and turned to her, "She is the house help. Now be quiet", I chided her and turned to Varun.

"So yeah, I came out of the house through an old secret tunnel, can you believe it, a TUNNEL", I squeaked and Varun became over excited. He even inched closer to me, literally hanging from his seat. "I was going to escape through the back gate discreetly. But someone spoiled the whole plan with their heroic entry and woke up the whole house and as a result there was shooting, fighting and chasing", I raised my hands in the shape of a gun and aimed it at Varun. I glared at Karthik as I remembered how he pulled me near the well. "What? Don't accuse me after all I have done for you. If it was not for me, you would have been stuck with your fiancé now", he gritted out the word fiancé with so much malice. I chose to ignore it and said, "If you did not push me into the wall, he would not have heard us." "Because of him, that Karan found us and we had to run away from all the gun shots and goons for our lives", I said to my friends.

"Hey, don't believe a word she says, if I did not fight them, she would not be sitting here, narrating the story like an excited kid", he said exasperated. KID! Am I a kid? "I am not a kid", I told my friends and glared at him. They watched between us as we hollered at each other. They had an amused look on their faces. "It was you who dragged me near the well, when I tried to go to the cottage...", I jabbed my finger in the air towards his direction. "Exactly", he yelled exasperated.

But my brain stopped functioning when I thought about the cottage. He was saying something to my friends, but I did not hear any of it. All I heard about was the scream of someone for help that echoed into the dark night from the cottage. My brain started connecting all the dots together. 'That bastard would go to any extent to hurt her', 'Go away from here Sana, you will find the answers', 'He is a ruthless monster', 'I found my brother beaten up badly...', all these sentences revolved in my head with the heart piercing scream I heard from the cottage before Raghunath came out.

Oh shit! If what I am thinking is true, I am going to kill that monster with my own hands. "No, No, no, no NO...", I yelled clutching my head in my hands. Suddenly I was surrounded by so many people and I could not breathe. Karthik grabbed my wrists and tried to look at my face. "Sanjana look at me", he demanded. But I shielded my face from him as tears spilt out of my eyes.

I shook my head vigorously, trying to free my hands from his grip. But he pried them away from my face and cupped my cheeks, "Hey tell me what happened", he asked me in a gentle voice that I haven't heard before, but I could not form any coherent sentence. The tightness in my chest grew up higher, blocking my throat and choking my voice. "Last night....scream...cottage...Amma", I managed to say in between my sobs. He looked at me, confusion marring his features for a while, but when he understood what I said, his eyes widened and a look of horror took over his face.

"NO", he shouted and hugged me to his chest where I cried my heart out. Anami aunty rushed to us. "Karthi what happened?" she panicked. He did not answer her, he continued to hug me to his chest, rocking me back and forth, rubbing my back to comfort me. But nothing can comfort me when I think about the screaming voice. I controlled my sobs and moved away from him and stood up. He stood up as well. Everyone had a puzzled look on their faces. "Karthik what happened? Tell me", Mr. Vikram asked him in a tensed voice. He looked at me for an answer.

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