Chapter - 12

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We were riding in the white Innova for more than an hour, and it took me a lot of self-control to not go out and slap the bastard who kept pressing his horn for five minutes without even a break, when we were stuck in Delhi's infamous traffic. God, if we had a way we would have gone forward, why don't people realize that. Everyone has important meetings, what I don't understand is that, even at this time of hour, the traffic is so heavy. "You came here at a wrong time, beta. Some political party leader is campaigning somewhere near, that is why this much traffic", Balram uncle told me in his thick Punjabi accent.

Geez, leaders are chosen to help people and support them, but they are doing the exact opposite here. The city police have blocked all the way near the campaigning area, so only this road is available for transport now. God, it might take hours to go to Anika's house from here. Everywhere you turn you can find endless vehicles, standing impatiently on the road, like bees surrounding a hive, with their engines roaring like a bull. God, so many things in India changed but not the traffic and people's behavior towards it. If possible, it has gotten even worse.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally reached Anand's villa, which was located in Sunder Nagar, in a secluded peaceful area. We pulled outside the gates and I was so much excited to see her after so many days. I asked Balram uncle to stop the car outside the gate and walked inside to surprise everyone. Rob was waiting for me outside the house as expected. As soon as he saw me, he ran towards me and hugged me, lifting me off the ground in the process. He behaves like a child, even now. I laughed at his antics and hugged him back.

"You have grown so much, beautiful", he said when he set me on my feet. He used to call me beautiful back in college, but now I am anything but that, old habits die hard, I guess. "You are not so bad yourself, dear brother", I teased him and punched him on his stomach. "Seriously beautiful, you look different, I almost did not recognize you at the gate, I thought some hot Londoner has come instead of you", saying that he winked at me and pulled me in for another hug, cheeky bastard. I can feel the love and protection of a brother in his hug. How much I missed his brotherly love and smile.

When I was busy talking to him about my journey, we heard a voice, a voice I missed so much and heard it only on the phone over the couple of years. She was coming towards us, but she could not see me, because Rob is a walking mountain, he covered me well. "Robby, why did you call me? You know I was talking to Dadaji", she asked him while approaching.

Her footsteps stopped suddenly, "What the hell are you doing Robert James Wood? hugging a random girl, that too just outside my house", she started shouting at him and called him names, I tell you Ani has a really bad mouth when she gets angry. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing out aloud.

Poor Robert, he has to live with her for the rest of his life, bless him dear God, I looked up at the sky and prayed for him. As if sensing my thoughts, he pinched my arm, and that's it. I could not control anymore, I let out a yelp and came out of his embrace. Anika who was coming at us like a hungry lioness, stopped dead in her tracks, with her mouth open.

She is such a sight to see. Unable to control myself, I started laughing like a maniac. Rob followed my suit and soon we were holding our stomachs unable to breath. Anika was still standing in the same place with an award-winning reaction on her cute face. I guess she was shocked to see me here, as I had promised her that I would come to Bangalore to attend her wedding.

When I was sober enough, I went near her and snapped my fingers in front of her face to bring her back from the shock. Finally, she came back to her senses, she looked at me from head to toe for a full minute, then screamed at the top of her lungs and hugged me hard. Geez, my poor ears. She literally hugged the life out of me, I had to ask for Robert's help to get some air into my poor lungs. She is insanely strong for her size. "Baby, I understand that you missed her so much, but leave her. You are choking her", he helped me disentangle myself from her arms.

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