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'Life is not to be taken as a jest, when it gives you a chance, you grab it and make the most use of it', she remembered reading those words somewhere on her way to the metro station, when she was in London. Those days were so hard and tough for her as she thought that she had lost the most precious chance that her gloomy life ever gave her. People like Arjun are very rare. She got to meet him and be with him, but she could not withhold him within her. She had thought she had lost a part of her soul in the accident that happened on the fateful day that people call her birthday. But never was she so wrong. After all, her dear Arjun did come back to her after all the struggles they had to face. When he came back, his face had changed, but not his pure heart that only belongs to her.

Love is not about one's appearance or looks. Initially you might find it appealing and attractive, but love does not bloom seeing the outer appearance. It is the inner vibe that attracts your heart to a person and makes you fall in love with them. It is that invisible string that pulls your soul to your other half and bonds you together forever. And that is what happened with Sanjana and Arjun. She thought he had died that day and moved to a different country on the other side of the world, thinking that she has no one in this huge world that she could call hers. All the time she was in London, she cursed her fate for snatching away the most wonderful person, who could bring light into her world with his bright smile, from her life. But fate had other plans. It brought her back to where it all started and gave her happily ever after back to her.

She is still so grateful to god for giving her a second chance in love, a chance she cherishes with all her heart. She thought Arjun had died, and with him his loved had died. But he came back for her, with love ten times stronger than before and protected her from everything. His face had changed, but not his heart, which held so much love for her, only for her. She fell in love with his beautiful orbs all over again and embraced his scarred soul with all her being.

'The thing you want the most does not always come to you in the form that you desire, it comes to you at the right time, in the form you deserve', she remembered Krish saying this to one of their students when the boy threw a tantrum for nothing at all. She almost scoffed in disbelief when she thought about all those days she spent in her studio back in London with her best friend. All those days look like a blur of a happy memory to her now. She could only think about those days and store them in her memory to keep them fresh. She still goes to London, every now and then to look after her studio. But it does not feel the same anymore. These days Krish takes care of the studio all by himself. Even though she is an equal partner, she rarely pays visit to her once happy haven. Their studio is one of the famous and biggest studios in all of London now. She could not be any happier. Her students are busy performing all over the world now.

She still feels a light ache in her heart when she thinks about her studio. She does Skype Krish once a day to know about the happenings, but that does not compare to her physically being there. She could go to London even now, but given her condition it would be dangerous to travel in flight. Arjun would be furious if anything were to happen to her. At the same time, he would not sacrifice her happiness for anything. He had built a big studio in Bangalore for her sake and sanity. She goes there every day and looks after it with the help of her mother Manasi, but it does not quench her thirst for dancing. She has to dance at least once in a day to relax her mind. Dance is like a therapy for her. But she does not get to dance nowadays.

She chuckled while rubbing her seven months old belly and looked at the wedding photo that hung on the huge wall beside her bed. The big smile on her face and the love in Arjun's eyes when he gazed at her while making her officially his' is something she will cherish till her last breath. His eyes held so much love and adoration for her. They tied the knot in front of all their family members and friends. She remembered Anamika's face which held a twinge of sadness, thinking about her dead son. But she was so happy for Arjun. She laughed remembering all the antics their friends pulled that day. Rob would not stop dancing. An embarrassed Anika had to drag him to a chair and literally tie him to it.

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