Chapter - 51

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Someone was continuously screaming inside my head, asking me to run faster, but for what? I don't know. With every second the scream was getting intense and loud, like it is taking control of my body. I tried desperately to come out of the influence of that voice and with much struggle I woke up to the sound of some hushed whispers. I heard some whispers around me, but did not open my eyes. "I think we need to wake her up", Shreya said in a soft whisper. "Nah, after ruining our sleep for a whole week she is sleeping peacefully. Let me bring a bucket full of water and we will dump it on her", Anika whispered back. Good lord, what is she trying to do? "No, we can't do it", Gayu whispered. 'I love you my savior', I thanked her internally, but regretted it the next minute.

"That won't be enough of a punishment. Let us mix some permanent hair dye in her shampoo and I have brought some ice cubes with me. We will pour it inside her t-shirt and jeans, what say?", she suggested in a whisper. How crazy can she get? "No, no not that", Raksha whispered in a slightly stern voice. Uffgh, at least she has some sense left in her brain to stop them. "Tie her hands and legs with a rope, and I will go bring cockroaches and lizard from the garden. We will put those tiny beauties inside her dress and watch her reaction, what say?", she whispered in an excited voice, like she has got the biggest ice cream in the world all to herself. How can she even call those nasty little things as beauties?

"NO, NO, guys stop with your crazy ideas. I am up", I screamed and got up from my bed in lightning speed. Anika, Gayu, Raksha and Shreya sat perched on either side of my bed and the guys were leisurely sitting on the big couch, looking at me. Upon seeing my reaction, they all doubled with laughter. Robert and Vishal fell off the couch laughing, while the girls had tears in their eyes from the entire crazy laugh. Varun repeatedly hit Hari's shoulder while the later glared at him. "Why the hell are you all laughing now?", I yelled at them exasperated. Let me tell you one thing, I can forgive you when you mess with me anytime, but not with my sleep. I glared at every one of them, but that somehow seemed to increase their laughter.

"Are you going to stop now or...", I tried to threaten them. "Or... what?", Raksha managed to say in between laughs. I just narrowed my eyes at her and turned my head the other way. Very mature, I know. "Look at you still getting shit scared of cockroaches and lizards, but you say that you want to go alone to save your mother", Anika said after her laughter fit had died down. "It is not a joke Anika", I stressed out each word to her. She realized that she had hit a sensitive nerve, because she raised her hands in surrender with an apologetic look.

"Seriously though, you look like you have not showered in weeks, but you sounded so determined and adamant when you declared that you would go all alone", Vishal said with a small smile trained my way. I don't know whether he is complimenting me or pulling my leg, so I just gave him a small smile and looked down at the turquoise quilt. I can literally feel the tension radiating off them. They are here to tell me something. They know that I won't like whatever they are about to say, still they want to try. When I could not withstand their awkward stares anymore, I said "Okay guys tell me. What do you want to say?"

Anika cleared her throat and sat upright. "Sanjana I don't think, it is good for you to go there with the guys. There might be situations that could put your life in danger. So please don't go. Let the guys go and get your mother safely", she held my hand while she said those words. I gave her a small smile and withdrew my hand from hers. "No Ani. It does not work like that. I don't want to lose any more people in my life. I know you want to support me, but I can't put your lives in danger, just for my sake. So I am going with Praveen bro and his men, while you all stay here to look after the girls", I said the last sentence looking at the guys. For some reason, they all looked so worked up and hurt.

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