Chapter - 35

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There is a small sneak peek into the upcoming chapter above... I hope you guys like it...

Back to Sanjana:

It is very hard to believe that it is already a year into our relationship and we are sailing on a small boat filled with joy and love in the great abyss of dark water filled with equal amount of good and bad. Like every other couple we have misunderstandings and fights, but we both never let that affect our relationship. We would compromise with each other and promise each other that we would not bring the topic of controversy ever again.

None of our fights lasted more than a day. Every time we fight, he would bring me bizarre gifts and make me laugh. The longest fight we had was when I participated in a competition with Surya as my dance partner. Ajju did not want him anywhere near me and kept on glaring at him all throughout the show. That poor guy was really scared and he wanted to back off, but I somehow convinced him to dance with me.

I still remember how grumpy Ajju looked that day. He snapped at everyone for no reason at all. He kept mumbling curses under his breath when I danced with him and refused to talk to me. I had to say sorry multiple times to make him look at me. Don't even ask me, what I did to get him to talk to me again. That man is stubborn as hell and his temper is like a ticking bomb, when he is upset or angry. He will act like a small child, whose candy got stolen and he will sulk for days, even when he knows he is the one at fault.

But his love is worth everything that I have in me and I will not stop loving him, even if he decides to leave me after knowing my past. Thinking of my past brings me back to a horrible lane of memory, which I am trying to forget. But I have to be honest with him, just as he is honest with me. Every time I think about telling him, some thing or the other happens and I end up losing my chance to tell him. I don't always have the courage to tell him. I should have told him everything that day, when he told me about his past, but I did not want to hurt him more with my past, so I kept quiet.

He deserves to know, and I am going to tell him soon. Pushing it back would bring no good anymore. I am going to tell him tomorrow, that is on our first-year anniversary. I am so excited to celebrate it with him. He had promised me five days ago that he would return from his business trip tomorrow morning and I am eagerly waiting for him to come back. He has been interning under his brother for a year now and he is the manager now. I am so proud of him. He is trying so much for me and in return I could at least tell him about myself. He has not asked about my childhood or my past. All he knows is that I am an orphan who grew up in a friendly environment. But that is not the whole truth.

I am afraid to tell him about the most vulnerable part of my life. He might take it the wrong way and decide to leave me. Even if he wants to leave, I won't stop him. After all I was born as an unwanted person in this lonely world. I snuggled more into my blanket and closed my eyes to sleep, finally able get a grip of those horrible thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. Who could be here at this time of the hour? It is almost twelve in the midnight. Even Ani is not here today, she went to Delhi to look after her sick grandmother, who demanded everyone's presence at the house, to tend for her joint pain.

It must be Shrey, I told myself and got up to open the door when the knocking got louder. I gulped down the ball of fear that rose up from my gut and unlatched the lock with shaky fingers. I opened the door slightly and risked a peek outside. There stood no one. Am I hallucinating? But I am sure I heard several knocks. What is happening? If it is a stupid prank, I will kick the ass of the person who pulled it. Just as I was about to close the door, a body pushed past me inside the door, dragged me with it and closed the door. I could hear my frantic heart beats and turned around to look at the person.

"Surprise", he whisper-shouted and I felt my eyes widen. The nerve of this man, how dare he scare the shit out of me. I was so close to having a panic attack and here he is grinning at me, with excitement in his eyes. I hit him wherever I could and some blows even landed on his face, but I did not care. I hit him left and right, ignoring the burning pain in my hand and only stopped it when I felt out of breath. I bent down and held my knees, desperate to catch my breath so that I could hit him again for scaring me.

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