Chapter - 17

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It has been two days, since I talked to Gayathri and I was very moved when I heard her talk to me like old times. Now I am sitting in the flight with Anika beside me and the flight is ready to take off to our destination, which is Bangalore. I feel like I have clicked the resume button after two and half years and everything came rushing back at once.

Just to not think about it, I took my phone and sent a good night text to Gayathri and checked in on Krish. Yes, we started chatting with each other. I thought she would not forgive me for the punishment I gave her, to the mistake she had not even done. But she immediately accepted me and we started talking like nothing happened. I had tears in my eyes when I heard her voice after a long time.

Flash back - two days before:

"Gayu, Gayu... can you hear me?", I asked her in my anxious voice. God why is she not responding to me. She has not cut the call yet, because I can hear her cries clearly, just like I am standing in front of her. "Hey my buddy, don't cry. Please, don't cry. Please listen to me. I am sorry, really sorry for hurting you all these years. I am sorry for not talking to you", I pleaded with her, but that did not seem to pacify her.

She kept on wailing like a small child and I listened to her helplessly. I felt guilty for not talking to her. I wanted to beat myself for ignoring her. I have never done that before. "hey please listen to me. See I am talking to you right. Don't cry, or you are not happy that I called you?", I asked her, trying to get a reaction out of her.

"No, you stupid, pig, donkey, stupid little monster..., monkey... I am crying because you called me. But that does not mean that I am not happy to hear your ugly voice after a long time", she finally spoke in her angry voice and I laughed and at the same time cried. Thank god, she is talking to me. I laughed at her choice of words, pig... seriously. Do I look like a pig?

"If I am a pig, you are a mouse, a stupid little mouse", I teased her and she laughed at me. Hmm... it is so good to hear her laugh, she is quiet a loud laugher. She gains the attention of the whole room when she laughs. "I am not a mouse, but you are definitely a pig", she teased back and I could envision her wiping her tears with her sleeve and also her running nose, that looks red while crying.

"So, have you forgiven me?", I asked her hopefully and waited for her to answer. But to my disappointment she did not say anything. I just received her silence as the answer and I was about to cut the call when she said just two words. Two words that brought a huge smile to my face. She called me, "Sana banana". She calls me that whenever I am angry or whenever she askes for a favor. Last time when she called me that she informed me about her boyfriend and that was a long time ago.

"I take that I am forgiven", I asked her with a smile. "Yes idiot, I have forgiven you", she shouted back happily. That is my Gayu, she can never stay angry at anyone for a long time. She is such a sweet soul. I am lucky to have her as my friend for life. "How are you?", I asked her in a meek voice. I know she works as a leading fashion designer in the Tamil film industry, but I wanted to hear it from her.

"I am all good. Actually, Vishal and I are in a live-in relationship, you know", she said hesitantly. Oh, I came to know about this via Anika. But I did not show that I checked up on her from time to time. She might look happy and care free, but on the inside, she is a very sensitive and fragile person. She gets hurt so easily. She might start crying again.

We talked about random things for a while and it felt so good to laugh with her and tease her. She still had that childish attitude, and the same shrill voice, with which she used to shout at me whenever I got late for school, which was almost every day. "I am sorry Sana", she suddenly apologized and I was left perplexed. "Sorry, for what Gayu?", I asked her. In return I only received silence.

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