Chapter - 46

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I watched the sun getting up slowly higher and higher from behind the hazy mountains and the sky getting cleared of every ounce of darkness as the bright streaks of sunlight tore out of the sky providing a lively and fresh morning to the hopeful lives on earth. But my morning is not going to be fresh or anything nearly familiar to it. It is because I have not slept at all last night. The same has been going on for the past one week. The thought that I suddenly have a father and a family which is full of dead members, brings a sour feeling to my heart. I don't think I want a family now, after all the years I have spent alone. It might also be because I don't feel a connection with the man who calls himself my father. It just doesn't feel right to be here, nor do I get good vibes when he comes near me. Normally one would feel protected and safe when their father is with them, but that is not the case with me and Mr. Raghunath Pillai.

From the moment he told me that I am his daughter, I am trying to fit that information inside my head. Every time I see him, I sort of get this strange vibe from him, that makes me shudder, not a good kind. It might be because I don't trust him, and he is very much aware of it. Yet he is not doing anything to gain my trust. It feels like he is just having me as his daughter for the sake of it. I also suspect that he wants something from me. He has been busy all these days with something which he refused to tell me, even when I persuaded. But I remember him telling me that he wants me to do something for him. He did not say what he wants me to do. He does not even let me out of the house. I remember having a heated conversation with him five days ago about it though.

He was sitting in the living room, when I decided to go down stairs instead of hiding inside the room, like I had been doing for the past two days. I did not even go down to eat, all the three meals were brought to my room by Ranjani, the chief cook and house keeper. Yes, the same lady who I met first in the house. So, when I went downstairs for breakfast that day, he was sitting on the couch looking at his phone, like something will emerge out of it suddenly. I then made my presence known by clearing my throat, loudly. He looked up from his interesting phone at me and gave me a weird smile.

"Someone decided to finally show their pretty face to the world", he taunted me in a boring tone. I just ignored his words and made myself comfortable on the other couch. He was so busy looking at his phone after that, but I was looking at all the pictures and the huge pillars as I did not have a phone with me. Thinking about phones, "Where is my phone?", I asked him. "I have it", he answered without lifting his head from his phone. I need to call MM and Gayu and let them know that I am safe, or so I think. "I want it", I said with slight annoyance. This brought his head out of his phone.

"You will get it back but not now", he whispered with a scowl and got up from his place and went to the dining hall. With new found determination I too got up and followed him. I am not going to sit here, and worry the persons who care about me, most importantly I am not going to obey him. "I want my phone back. I have to call Mother and my friends and let them know I am fine. They would be worried", I yelled at him. He was about to sit when I shouted at him, so he jerked the chair away and turned towards me with blazing eyes. Well, daddy does not like getting talked back, I see. "You do what I say. Don't you even dare raise your voice in front of me ever again", he threatened me with narrowed eyes.

But when have I ever bowed down in front of anyone? I stood my ground and glared back at him with the same intensity. I looked a bit too short in front of him to intimidate him, but who cares. I looked him in the eyes, eager to find any hidden secrets that he keeps hidden in his deep black eyes. One moment I saw fury in his eyes and the next moment it was gone, replaced by the feeling he had for me that night when he told me that he is my father. I blinked my eyes; he is definitely playing hide and seek with me. "Kanna I know you must be worried about them. But this is not the right time. I will let you talk to them when the time is right. Until then please be patient", he patted my head and headed outside. Why is it not safe now? I want to talk to my family, and here he says he will not let me talk to them. Who is he anyways? I doubt, will he ever be my father?

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