Chapter - 57

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After I had shot the one who was trying to harm Karthik, I saw two groups of men attacking us from different sides. I only learnt shooting, because Arjun was so stubborn and persuasive. I have never dreamt of using my skill to harm anyone. But it has to be done now. They deserve if for torturing people and destroying so many peaceful lives. We three formed a triangle and started shooting them. Some were shot in the head, some in the chest and some in their arms and legs. I had only intended to hurt, not kill them. So I was careful to shoot them only in the places where it could cause less damage, whereas bro and Karthik went mad with their anger and shot them everywhere.

Karthik behaved like he was possessed and shot the men in their head, killing them efficiently as if he were born for it. He smiled like a lunatic when he saw blood seeping out of their wounds. This guy needs to control his anger. We slowly inched forward as we cleared our way, taking down the goons one by one. When we crossed the well, I split up from the team and slowly scooted towards the long grown bushes, when nobody was watching me. I entered the bushes and hid there watching the scene of violence unfold in front of me.

All our men were fighting off the mafia goons efficiently and I felt a sense of pride wash over me when I saw Praveen bro fighting off the goons in his cool style. He did not hesitate or flinch away when the men came roaring at him. Heck, he did not even break a sweat. He simply stood there and shot some in the chest and knocked the others down with his fist.

Karthik on the other hand, looked more fierce and ready. He kept shooting at the men, not caring about what damage he was causing them. He killed almost all the men that came at him, with the efficiency I had once loved. He gave off a dangerous vibe and the look I saw in his eyes when I saved him a while ago was not something I expected to see, not this early. I saw the same look in his eyes, which I saw all those years ago, when I first saw him.

I saw him shooting men after men without caring about anything in the world. In his thirst for blood he had forgotten about the façade he was putting on for all of us and I saw the hidden real self come out at his every action. I had already had an idea about what he must be hiding from us, and the recent evidences I got all proves that I am right. He emptied his magazine and took cover behind the well to reload his gun. "You can't keep acting anymore, because I would not let you", I mumbled and shot two men who were aiming at him from a distance.

When I was sure that he could take care of all the others, I lowered my gun and looked for a way to reach the cottage. There was a hide out near the cottage and men kept coming out of it. They did not notice me; all of them went for the two boys who were fighting fearlessly. After a few minutes, nobody came out of the hide out. I assumed they must have all come out already. I slowly stood up from my place and took few careful steps towards the cottage. Suddenly the secret door, through which Ranjani ma got me out opened and out came a tensed Raghunath running to the cottage in full speed. No one seemed to notice their boss and he bumped into the others as they advanced towards our men.

Raghunath did not seem to care where he was going as he shoved some of his men away and ran to the cottage. He opened the cottage door and entered inside. "You cannot escape from me, not this time, you fucktard", I whisper-yelled and ran after him. I was cautious to crouch down, and ran among the over grown bushes to reach the cottage. When I crossed all the human hurdles, I climbed up the few stairs that leads to the cottage and kept my ear to the door, trying to hear any sound.

For a few minutes, I could not hear anything. Then I heard some crashing sounds and peeked into the keyhole to see Raghunath kicking all the deranged and dusted furniture in his rage. The room was dark, but I could see well with the help of the small 100 watts bulb hanging in a corner. "How the fuck did they come here?", "HOW?", he screamed out loud. I slightly pushed the door and it creaked open like a tired squeal of an old lady. I stepped one foot inside in the pace of an ant and waited for him to notice me. He was so busy breaking everything in his anger that he did not hear the creak of the old door.

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