Chapter - 21

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Six years ago,

I stood in front of the enormous building, genuinely happy to stand here in the first place. My dream became true, for the first time in my life. I am proud to call myself a part of this prestigious university, Reverend Elmont Duke University, was written in big bold red letters and I felt goosebumps on my hands when I pronounced the name. I squealed when I stepped inside the campus and got a glare from MM. she is a strict lady, always asking us to follow the steps of an ideal woman. I don't give a damn about this ideal woman at all.

I looked at my surrounding with goofy eyes, I was sure if someone saw me now, they would be able to see stars revolving around my head. I settled all my luggage to the watch man who said that there were people assigned to help with the luggage of the freshers and we walked towards the Principal's office. The Principal of this college is a good friend of MM, so she dragged me along with her to meet Mrs. Linda John.

The Principal's office looked simple, yet elegant and many trophies of achievement adorned the entire wall behind her desk. The Principal was a beautiful woman in her forties and she wore an expensive formal suit and had a charming smile. She looked nothing like I imagined. In my imagination I painted an old grumpy man sitting at the desk with an irritated face, who scowls for nothing and barks orders at everyone.

Mrs. John looked exactly like the ideal woman, MM would talk about, may be that is why she is her friend. They talked on and on about their past life and at some point, I even doubted that they have forgotten about me. When I was looking at a trophy that was kept in the shelf beside me, I heard MM calling my name, in a not so calm voice and I jerked my head to look at her. "Sanjana dear, your Principal was calling for you. But you were busy looking at the prizes that you did not hear her. Now where are your manners. Apologize to her, now", she stressed the last word and I mentally rolled my eyes, but obeyed her.

We talked about my classes and my academic records for fifteen long minutes and finally I was free to leave the room. When I stood up to leave, the Principal reminded me about my dance performance, that I am going to do tomorrow in front of all the freshers and wished me best of luck. MM boasted about my dancing skills when she talked on the phone with Mrs. John and as a result, I was asked to perform on my first day here. Poor me, I am not good at mingling with new people, but I could not say no to them.

After talking to Mrs. John for another fifteen minutes, MM came out and saw me tapping my foot on the floor impatiently and glared at me. I got the message loud and clear, it meant behave. I huffed at the polished ceiling and followed her. Soon we reached a tall building full of rooms. I turned to MM and saw a small lonely tear fall out of her eyes, but she wiped it quickly and behaved like nothing happened. I just smiled at her and gave a hug. "I will still annoy you, during my breaks. Until then miss me", I whispered near her ear and earned a chuckle from her.

"Hereafter, I won't be there to look after you. Take care of yourself and be cautious", she said in a strict voice, but smiled at me when I pouted at her. She said her final good bye and turned around to leave. I felt a slight tightness in my chest when I saw her leave, but I brushed it aside, because I am a grown up now. I have to behave like a big girl. "Come on big girl. Let us go to your room", I patted my shoulder and went inside to get my dorm room.

I went to the warden's room and waited in the line to get my room key. Every thing has been assigned previously, we just have to go get the key and shift our things to our room. I waited for an eternity and got my keys and ran towards my room as soon as I stepped out of the que. My room was assigned in the second floor and my roommate was a second-year girl, much to my dismay. It was all MM's doing, she said that I will be more comfortable with a senior as my roommate. She would help me in all the things related to academics. I did not like her idea even a bit, but had to agree as it was one of the conditions put down by MM.

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