Chapter - 22

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I got to my first class pretty late, due to that incident. I had to go to the washroom to calm my racing heart and also to wash my face to get rid of the tears. I did not cry in front of those morons to show them that I am not weak. But I could not control it when I hit the washroom. I cried for a good ten minutes and then washed my face and went in search of my first class which happens to be Business Math. I had to walk in search of the class for another ten minutes in the corridor and I finally found it after asking a senior, I suppose.

The professor was saying something to the students when I knocked on the door. He turned to me with a bored yet agitated look on his face, "Are you the scholarship student, who decided to honor our presence by coming fifteen minutes late to the class?", he asked me in a mocking tone. I nodded my head and went inside, when he signaled me to come. "Sorry sir. I had to go to the Principal's office after my dance performance", I apologized to him in a low voice.

"Oh, you were the one. I have to say your performance was great. I will be very much happy if you show that much interest in BM too", he said in his flat and boring voice. I nodded my head swiftly, mumbled a quick thank you and moved forward in search of an empty seat to sit, before he decided to say something else. A pretty girl with wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes waved her hands at me, signaling towards an empty seat near her. I went and sat beside her. I smiled at her and concentrated on the class.

The class went on and on for about forty-five minutes and I had to struggle to keep myself from closing my eyes as the prof's voice droned on about the importance of math in business industry. Isn't this what every math teacher tells their students during their first class. Thankfully, the bell rung right on time and everyone got up from their seat in lightning speed and marched out of the class. Guess I was not the only one who was bored. I got up from my seat to go for my next class.

"Hey, I am Shreya", the girl who offered a seat next to her introduced herself and forwarded her hand. "Hi, I am Sanjana", I introduced myself and shook her hand. "Your performance was phenomenal", she appreciated me and in return I just gave her a small smile. I am not good at receiving compliments, you know. "What is your next class?", she asked me. "It says it is Principle of Management", I answered her after looking at my schedule. "Great, I too have the same class as you", she said with much enthusiasm and together we went in search of the next classroom.

On our way, I got to know that Shreya is also a dancer. She specializes in classical dance and has a great knowledge in kathak too. She has also chosen dance as her second course, we even exchanged numbers and decided to meet up, again during lunch as our third session was different. She had statistics whereas I had economics. We parted our ways and I went in search of my third class of the day.

I have already started making friends here, all thanks to Anika aka bomb shell, who does not know how to shut her mouth. If I were the same small girl, who was afraid to utter even a word, I would not have been suitable for this place. But with the help of Gayu and MM I came out of my own shell and I have come a long way from my three-year-old self who was stuck in the dark. Any ways I don't want to think about it now, instead I should start focusing on my economics teacher Ms. Renuka, who is explaining about Indian Economics.

My third class ended right on time and I was about to get up from my seat when I felt my phone vibrating in my jeans pocket. 'Anika calling', the fancy screen flashed and I answered the call. Even before I could say hello, she started firing me with her questions. "Where are you Sanjana? I told you to meet me during lunch. What are you doing now?" "Anika, relax. The class just ended and I am on my way out. Where should I meet you?", I asked her in a much calmer voice. "You can meet me here", a voice behind me said and I turned around to see the hyper active girl right in front of me.

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